! ! simulation of 2D hard disks using MD - from Gould-Tobochnick ! module periodic public :: separation,pbc integer, public, parameter :: double = selected_real_kind(13) contains function separation(ds,L) result (separation_result) real (kind = double), intent (in) :: ds,L real (kind = double) :: separation_result if (ds > 0.5*L) then separation_result = ds - L else if (ds < -0.5*L) then separation_result = ds + L else separation_result = ds end if end function separation function pbc(pos,L) result (f_pbc) real (kind = double), intent (in) :: pos,L real (kind = double) :: f_pbc if (pos < 0.0) then f_pbc = pos + L else if (pos > L) then f_pbc = pos - L else f_pbc = pos end if end function pbc end module periodic module common use periodic private public :: minimum_collision_time,move,reset_list,check_overlap public :: uplist,downlist,initial,check_momentum,kinetic_energy public :: check_collision,contact,save_config,output integer, public :: N real (kind = double), public :: Lx,Ly,t,timebig real(kind = double),public,dimension (:),allocatable :: x,y,vx,vy real(kind = double),public,dimension (:),allocatable :: collision_time, partner contains subroutine initial(vsum,rho,area) real (kind = double), intent (out) :: vsum,rho,area real :: a_x,a_y,vmax,rnd integer :: i,nx,ny,row,col character(len = 20) :: start,file_name character(len = 100) :: dum t = 0.0 print *, "read file (f) or lattice start (l) = " read *, start if (start == "f" .or. start == "f") then print *, "file name = " read *, file_name open (unit=7,file=file_name,status="old",action="read") read (unit=7,fmt = *) N read (unit=7,fmt = *) Lx,Ly allocate(x(N)) allocate(y(N)) allocate(vx(N)) allocate(vy(N)) read (unit=7,fmt = *) dum do i = 1,N read (unit=7,fmt = *) x(i),y(i) print *, x(i),y(i) end do read (unit=7,fmt = *) dum do i = 1, N read (unit=7,fmt = *) vx(i),vy(i) end do close(unit=7) else if (start == "l" .or. start == "l") then print *, "N (a square...)= " read *, N ! assume that sqrt(N) is an integer allocate(x(N)) allocate(y(N)) allocate(vx(N)) allocate(vy(N)) print *, "Lx = " read *, Lx print *, "Ly = " read *, Ly print *, "vmax = " read *, vmax nx = sqrt(real(N)) ny = nx if (nx >= Lx .or. nx >= Ly) then print *, "box too small" stop end if a_x = Lx/nx ! "lattice" spacing a_y = Ly/ny i = 0 do col = 1,nx do row = 1,ny i = i + 1 x(i) = (col - 0.5)*a_x y(i) = (row - 0.5)*a_y ! choose random positions and velocities call random_number(rnd) vx(i) = (2*rnd - 1)*vmax call random_number(rnd) vy(i) = (2*rnd - 1)*vmax end do end do end if call check_overlap() ! check if two disks overlap call check_momentum() allocate(partner(N)) allocate(collision_time(N)) area = Lx*Ly rho = N/area timebig = 1.0e10 vsum = 0 ! virial sum do i = 1,N partner(i) = N end do collision_time(N) = timebig ! set up initial collision lists do i = 1,N call uplist(i) end do end subroutine initial subroutine check_momentum() real (kind = double) :: vxsum, vysum,vxcm,vycm !vxsum = 0.0 !vysum = 0.0 ! compute total center of mass velocity (momentum) vxsum = sum(vx) vysum = sum(vy) vxcm = vxsum/N vycm = vysum/N vx = vx - vxcm vy = vy - vycm end subroutine check_momentum subroutine minimum_collision_time(i,j,tij) real (kind = double), intent (out) :: tij integer, intent (out):: i,j integer :: k ! locate minimum collision time tij = timebig do k = 1, N if (collision_time(k) < tij) then tij = collision_time(k) i = k end if end do j = partner(i) end subroutine minimum_collision_time subroutine move(tij) real (kind = double), intent (in) :: tij integer :: k do k = 1,N collision_time(k) = collision_time(k) - tij x(k) = x(k) + vx(k)*tij y(k) = y(k) + vy(k)*tij x(k) = pbc(x(k),Lx) y(k) = pbc(y(k),Ly) end do end subroutine move subroutine reset_list(i,j) integer, intent (in) :: i,j integer :: k,test ! reset collision list for relevant particles do k = 1,N test = partner(k) if (k == i .or. test == i .or. k == j .or. test == j) then call uplist(k) end if end do call downlist(i) call downlist(j) end subroutine reset_list subroutine check_overlap() real (kind = double) :: tol,dx,dy,r2,r integer :: i,j tol = 1.0e-4 do i = 1,N - 1 do j = i + 1,N dx = separation(x(i) - x(j),Lx) dy = separation(y(i) - y(j),Ly) r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy if (r2 < 1.0) then r = sqrt(r2) if (1.0 - r > tol) then print *, "particles ",i," and ",j,"overlap" stop end if end if end do end do end subroutine check_overlap subroutine kinetic_energy(ke) real (kind = double), intent (out) :: ke integer :: i ke = 0.0 do i = 1,N ke = ke + vx(i)*vx(i) + vy(i)*vy(i) end do ke = 0.5*ke print "(a,f13.6)", "kinetic energy =", ke/N end subroutine kinetic_energy subroutine uplist(i) integer, intent (in) :: i integer :: j ! look for collisions with particles j > i if (i == N) then return end if collision_time(i) = timebig do j = i + 1,N call check_collision(i,j) end do end subroutine uplist subroutine downlist(j) integer, intent (in) :: j integer :: i ! look for collisions with particles i < j if (j == 1) then return end if do i = 1,j - 1 call check_collision(i,j) end do end subroutine downlist subroutine check_collision(i,j) integer, intent (in) :: i,j real (kind = double) :: dx,dy,dvx,dvy,bij,tij,r2,v2,discr integer :: xcell,ycell ! consider collisions between i and periodic images of j do xcell = -1,1 do ycell = -1,1 dx = x(i) - x(j) + xcell*Lx dy = y(i) - y(j) + ycell*Ly dvx = vx(i) - vx(j) dvy = vy(i) - vy(j) bij = dx*dvx + dy*dvy if (bij < 0) then r2 = dx*dx + dy*dy v2 = dvx*dvx + dvy*dvy discr = bij*bij - v2*(r2 - 1.0) if (discr > 0.0) then tij = (-bij - sqrt(discr))/v2 if (tij < collision_time(i)) then collision_time(i) = tij partner(i) = j end if end if end if end do end do end subroutine check_collision subroutine contact(i,j,virial) real (kind = double), intent (out) :: virial integer, intent (in) :: i,j real (kind = double) :: dx,dy,dvx,dvy,factor,delvx,delvy ! compute collision dynamics for particles i and j at contact dx = separation(x(i) - x(j),Lx) dy = separation(y(i) - y(j),Ly) dvx = vx(i) - vx(j) dvy = vy(i) - vy(j) factor = dx*dvx + dy*dvy delvx = - factor*dx delvy = - factor*dy vx(i) = vx(i) + delvx vx(j) = vx(j) - delvx vy(i) = vy(i) + delvy vy(j) = vy(j) - delvy virial = delvx*dx + delvy*dy end subroutine contact subroutine output(collisions,temperature,vsum,rho,area) real (kind = double), intent (in) :: temperature,vsum,rho,area integer, intent (in) :: collisions real :: mean_virial,mean_pressure print "(a,i6)", "collisions =",collisions print "(a,f10.4)", "t =",t print *, "" mean_virial = vsum/(2.0*t) mean_pressure = rho*temperature + mean_virial/area print "(a,f10.4)", "P =", mean_pressure end subroutine output subroutine save_config(i,j,tij) real (kind = double), intent (inout) :: tij integer, intent (inout) :: i,j character(len = 32) :: config integer :: k ! move particles away from collision for final configuration call minimum_collision_time(i,j,tij) call move(0.5*tij) print *, "file name of configuration?" read *, config print *, config open (unit=1,file=config,status="replace",action="write") write (unit=1, fmt="(i4)") N write (unit=1, fmt="(2f13.6)") Lx,Ly write (unit=1,fmt="(t3,a,t20,a)") "x","y" do k = 1,N write (unit=1, fmt="(2f13.6)") x(k),y(k) end do write(unit=1, fmt="(t3,a,t20,a)") "vx","vy" do k = 1,N write(unit=1,fmt="(2f13.6)") vx(k),vy(k) end do close(unit=1) end subroutine save_config end module common program hd ! dynamics of system of hard disks ! program based in part on fortran program of Allen and Tildesley use periodic use common real (kind = double) :: virial,temperature,vsum,rho,area,ke,tij integer :: collisions, i,j,nshow call initial(vsum,rho,area) call kinetic_energy(ke) temperature = ke/N collisions = 0 ! number of collisions nshow = 10 ! show output every nshow collisions do if (collisions > 100) then exit end if call minimum_collision_time(i,j,tij) ! move particles forward and reduce collision times by tij call move(tij) t = t + tij collisions = collisions + 1 call contact(i,j,virial) ! compute collision dynamics vsum = vsum + virial if (modulo(collisions,nshow) == 0) then call output(collisions,temperature,vsum,rho,area) end if ! reset collision list for relevant particles call reset_list(i,j) ! check for overlaps to debug program ! call check_overlap() end do call save_config(i,j,tij) end program hd