Esercitazione 11 Esercizio 1 Write a macro that implements the algorithm shown in the slide 17 of Lezione 8. Show the results in the two following cases: N0=1000, a=0.01 s-1, Dt=1 s N0=50000, a=0.03 s-1, Dt=1 s Show the results in linear and logarithmic scale, with t between 0 and 300 s Compare the results with the expected result Esercizio 2 Modify the program written for exercise 2 to simulate an experiment that counts the number of decays observed in a time interval, T . Allow the experiment to be repeated and histogram the distribution of the number of decays for the following two cases: N0=1000, α=2.5x10-5 s-1, Δt=1 s, T = 100s N0=1000, α=2.0x10-4 s-1, Δt=1 s, T = 100s Compare the distribution of n for 1000 experiments with Binomial and Poisson distributions.