program main implicit none integer :: n,mm,i,j real*8, allocatable :: a(:,:),b(:,:),c(:,:) integer, allocatable :: d(:) real*8 :: na,nb logical :: lnorm type list integer :: c1 real*8 :: c2 type (list), pointer :: next end type list type (list), pointer :: head,tail,ptr !1) do write(*,*) 'Dimension n>1' read(*,*) n if ( exit enddo allocate(a(n,n),b(n,n),c(n,n)) do i=1,n do j=1,n read(*,*) a(i,j),b(i,j) enddo enddo !2) call norm(a,b,n,na,nb) if (na.eq.nb) then write(*,*) "A and B get the same norm" lnorm=.true. else write(*,*) "A and B do not get the same norm" lnorm=.false. endif !3) call define_c(lnorm,a,b,n,na,nb,c) !4) mm=n*(n-1)/2+n allocate(d(mm)) call define_d(c,n,mm,d) call sort_d(d,mm) !5) nullify(head,tail) do i=1,mm if (.not.associated(head)) then allocate(head) tail => head nullify(tail%next) tail%c1=d(i) tail%c2=dble(d(i)**2)/dble(mm) else allocate(tail%next) tail => tail%next nullify(tail%next) tail%c1=d(i) tail%c2=dble(d(i)**2)/dble(mm) endif enddo !6) open(10,file='norm.dat') write(10,'("Norm of A is", F10.3,", norm of B is", F10.3)') na, nb close(10) open(10,file='c.dat') do i=1,n do j=1,n write(10,95) i,j,c(i,j) enddo enddo close(10) open(10,file='d.dat') do i=1,mm write(10,98) i,d(i) enddo close(10) open(10,file='list.dat') ptr => head do if (.not.associated(ptr)) exit write(10,100) ptr%c1,ptr%c2 ptr => ptr%next enddo close(10) deallocate(a,b,c) deallocate(d) 95 format(I5,I5,F10.3) 98 format(2(I5)) 100 format(I5,F10.3) stop end program main subroutine norm(a,b,n,na,nb) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n real*8, intent(in) :: a(n,n),b(n,n) real*8, intent(out) :: na, nb integer :: i,j na=0.d0 nb=0.d0 do i=1,n do j=1,n na=na+abs(a(i,j))**2 nb=nb+abs(b(i,j))**2 enddo enddo na=dsqrt(na) nb=dsqrt(nb) return end subroutine norm subroutine define_c(lnorm,a,b,n,na,nb,c) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n real*8, intent(in) :: a(n,n),b(n,n) real*8, intent(in) :: na, nb logical, intent(in) :: lnorm real*8, intent(out) :: c(n,n) integer :: i,j real*8 :: cc c=0.d0 if (lnorm) then do i=1,n do j=1,n if (a(i,j)*b(i,j).gt.0.d0) then c(i,j) = a(i,j) + b(i,j) + na else c(i,j) = a(i,j) - b(i,j) endif enddo enddo else cc=abs(na-nb) do i=1,n do j=1,n if (j.eq.i) then c(i,j) = cc elseif (j.eq.i+1) then c(i,j) = dble(i+j) - cc elseif (j.eq.i-1) then c(i,j) = cc - dble(i+j) endif enddo enddo endif return end subroutine define_c subroutine define_d(c,n,mm,d) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: n,mm real*8, intent(in) :: c(n,n) integer, intent(out) :: d(mm) integer :: i,j,k k=0 do i=1,n do j=i,n k=k+1 d(k) = int(c(i,j)) enddo enddo return end subroutine define_d subroutine sort_d(d,mm) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: mm integer, intent(inout) :: d(mm) integer :: i,j,mdim,tmp mdim=int(mm/2) do i=1,mdim-1 do j=2,mdim-(i-1) if (d(j-1).gt.d(j)) then tmp=d(j-1) d(j-1)=d(j) d(j)=tmp endif enddo enddo return end subroutine sort_d