/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 8 -*- */
/* Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Mark Longair */
This file is part of the ImageJ plugin "Simple Neurite Tracer".
The ImageJ plugin "Simple Neurite Tracer" is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
The ImageJ plugin "Simple Neurite Tracer" is distributed in the
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
package tracing;
import ij.*;
import ij.process.*;
import ij.gui.*;
import ij.plugin.*;
import ij.plugin.filter.*;
import ij.text.*;
import ij.measure.Calibration;
import ij.io.*;
import ij3d.Image3DUniverse;
import ij3d.Image3DMenubar;
import ij3d.Content;
import ij3d.Pipe;
import ij3d.Mesh_Maker;
import javax.vecmath.Color3f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import ij.gui.GUI;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import client.ArchiveClient;
import stacks.ThreePanes;
import util.BatchOpener;
import util.RGB_to_Luminance;
import features.GaussianGenerationCallback;
import features.ComputeCurvatures;
import amira.AmiraMeshDecoder;
import amira.AmiraParameters;
import features.Sigma_Palette;
import features.TubenessProcessor;
/* Note on terminology:
"traces" files are made up of "paths". Paths are non-branching
sequences of adjacent points (including diagonals) in the image.
Branches and joins are supported by attributes of paths that
specify that they begin on (or end on) other paths.
public class Simple_Neurite_Tracer extends SimpleNeuriteTracer
implements PlugIn {
public void run( String ignoredArguments ) {
/* The useful macro options are:
String macroOptions = Macro.getOptions();
String macroImageFilename = null;
String macroTracesFilename = null;
if( macroOptions != null ) {
macroImageFilename = Macro.getValue(
macroOptions, "imagefilename", null );
macroTracesFilename = Macro.getValue(
macroOptions, "tracesfilename", null );
Applet applet = IJ.getApplet();
if( applet != null ) {
archiveClient = new ArchiveClient( applet, macroOptions );
if( archiveClient != null )
try {
ImagePlus currentImage = null;
if( macroImageFilename == null ) {
currentImage = IJ.getImage();
} else {
currentImage = BatchOpener.openFirstChannel( macroImageFilename );
if( currentImage == null ) {
IJ.error("Opening the image file specified in the macro parameters ("+macroImageFilename+") failed.");
if( currentImage == null ) {
IJ.error( "There's no current image to trace." );
// Check this isn't a composite image or hyperstack:
if( currentImage.getNFrames() > 1 ) {
IJ.error("This plugin only works with single images, not multiple images in a time series.");
if( currentImage.getNChannels() > 1 ) {
IJ.error("This plugin only works with single channel images: use 'Image>Color>Split Channels' and choose a channel");
imageType = currentImage.getType();
if( imageType == ImagePlus.COLOR_RGB ) {
YesNoCancelDialog queryRGB = new YesNoCancelDialog( IJ.getInstance(),
"Convert RGB image",
"Convert this RGB image to an 8 bit luminance image first?\n" +
"(If you want to trace a particular channel instead, cancel and \"Split Channels\" first.)" );
if( ! queryRGB.yesPressed() ) {
currentImage = RGB_to_Luminance.convertToLuminance(currentImage);
imageType = currentImage.getType();
if( currentImage.getStackSize() == 1 )
singleSlice = true;
width = currentImage.getWidth();
height = currentImage.getHeight();
depth = currentImage.getStackSize();
Calibration calibration = currentImage.getCalibration();
if( calibration != null ) {
x_spacing = calibration.pixelWidth;
y_spacing = calibration.pixelHeight;
z_spacing = calibration.pixelDepth;
spacing_units = calibration.getUnits();
if( spacing_units == null || spacing_units.length() == 0 )
spacing_units = "" + calibration.getUnit();
pathAndFillManager = new PathAndFillManager(this);
file_info = currentImage.getOriginalFileInfo();
// Turn it grey, since I find that helpful:
ImageProcessor imageProcessor = currentImage.getProcessor();
byte [] reds = new byte[256];
byte [] greens = new byte[256];
byte [] blues = new byte[256];
for( int i = 0; i < 256; ++i ) {
reds[i] = (byte)i;
greens[i] = (byte)i;
blues[i] = (byte)i;
IndexColorModel cm = new IndexColorModel(8, 256, reds, greens, blues);
imageProcessor.setColorModel( cm );
if( currentImage.getStackSize() > 1 )
currentImage.getStack().setColorModel( cm );
if( file_info != null ) {
String originalFileName=file_info.fileName;
if (verbose) System.out.println("originalFileName was: "+originalFileName);
if( originalFileName != null ) {
int lastDot=originalFileName.lastIndexOf(".");
if( lastDot > 0 ) {
String beforeExtension=originalFileName.substring(0, lastDot);
String tubesFileName=beforeExtension+".tubes.tif";
ImagePlus tubenessImage = null;
File tubesFile=new File(file_info.directory,tubesFileName);
if (verbose) System.out.println("Testing for the existence of "+tubesFile.getAbsolutePath());
if( tubesFile.exists() ) {
long megaBytesExtra = ( ((long)width) * height * depth * 4 ) / (1024 * 1024);
String extraMemoryNeeded = megaBytesExtra + "MiB";
YesNoCancelDialog d = new YesNoCancelDialog( IJ.getInstance(),
"A tubeness file ("+tubesFile.getName()+") exists. Load this file?\n"+
"(This would use an extra "+extraMemoryNeeded+" of memory.)");
if( d.cancelPressed() )
else if( d.yesPressed() ) {
IJ.showStatus("Loading tubes file.");
if (verbose) System.out.println("Loaded the tubeness file");
if( tubenessImage == null ) {
IJ.error("Failed to load tubes image from "+tubesFile.getAbsolutePath()+" although it existed");
if( tubenessImage.getType() != ImagePlus.GRAY32 ) {
IJ.error("The tubeness file must be a 32 bit float image - "+tubesFile.getAbsolutePath()+" was not.");
int width = tubenessImage.getWidth();
int height = tubenessImage.getHeight();
int depth = tubenessImage.getStackSize();
ImageStack tubenessStack = tubenessImage.getStack();
tubeness = new float[depth][];
for( int z = 0; z < depth; ++z ) {
FloatProcessor fp = (FloatProcessor)tubenessStack.getProcessor( z + 1 );
tubeness[z] = (float[])fp.getPixels();
single_pane = true;
Image3DUniverse universeToUse = null;
String [] choices3DViewer = null;;
if( ! singleSlice ) {
boolean java3DAvailable = haveJava3D();
boolean showed3DViewerOption = false;
GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Simple Neurite Tracer (v" +
gd.addMessage("Tracing the image: "+currentImage.getTitle());
String extraMemoryNeeded = " (will use an extra: ";
int bitDepth = currentImage.getBitDepth();
int byteDepth = bitDepth == 24 ? 4 : bitDepth / 8;
long megaBytesExtra = ( ((long)width) * height * depth * byteDepth * 2 ) / (1024 * 1024);
extraMemoryNeeded += megaBytesExtra + "MiB of memory)";
gd.addCheckbox("Use_three_pane view?"+extraMemoryNeeded, false);
if( ! java3DAvailable ) {
String message = "(Java3D classes don't seem to be available, so no 3D viewer option is available.)";
} else if( currentImage.getBitDepth() != 8 ) {
String message = "(3D viewer option is only currently available for 8 bit images)";
} else {
showed3DViewerOption = true;
choices3DViewer = new String[Image3DUniverse.universes.size()+2];
String no3DViewerString = "No 3D view";
String useNewString = "Create New 3D Viewer";
choices3DViewer[choices3DViewer.length-2] = useNewString;
choices3DViewer[choices3DViewer.length-1] = no3DViewerString;
for( int i = 0; i < choices3DViewer.length - 2; ++i ) {
String contentsString = Image3DUniverse.universes.get(i).allContentsString();
String shortContentsString;
if( contentsString.length() == 0 )
shortContentsString = "[Empty]";
shortContentsString = contentsString.substring(0,Math.min(40,contentsString.length()-1));
choices3DViewer[i] = "Use 3D viewer ["+i+"] containing " + shortContentsString;
gd.addChoice( "Choice of 3D Viewer:", choices3DViewer, useNewString );
if (gd.wasCanceled())
single_pane = ! gd.getNextBoolean();
if( showed3DViewerOption ) {
String chosenViewer = gd.getNextChoice();
int chosenIndex;
for( chosenIndex = 0; chosenIndex < choices3DViewer.length; ++chosenIndex )
if( choices3DViewer[chosenIndex].equals(chosenViewer) )
if( chosenIndex == choices3DViewer.length - 2 ) {
use3DViewer = true;
universeToUse = null;
} else if( chosenIndex == choices3DViewer.length - 1 ) {
use3DViewer = false;
universeToUse = null;
} else {
use3DViewer = true;
universeToUse = Image3DUniverse.universes.get(chosenIndex);;
xy_tracer_canvas = (InteractiveTracerCanvas)xy_canvas;
xz_tracer_canvas = (InteractiveTracerCanvas)xz_canvas;
zy_tracer_canvas = (InteractiveTracerCanvas)zy_canvas;
setupTrace = true;
resultsDialog = new NeuriteTracerResultsDialog( "Tracing for: " + xy.getShortTitle(),
applet != null );
/* FIXME: the first could be changed to add
'this', and move the small implementation
out of NeuriteTracerResultsDialog into this
class. */
if( (x_spacing == 0.0) ||
(y_spacing == 0.0) ||
(z_spacing == 0.0) ) {
IJ.error( "One dimension of the calibration information was zero: (" +
x_spacing + "," + y_spacing + "," + z_spacing + ")" );
ImageStack s = xy.getStack();
switch(imageType) {
case ImagePlus.GRAY8:
case ImagePlus.COLOR_256:
slices_data_b = new byte[depth][];
for( int z = 0; z < depth; ++z )
slices_data_b[z] = (byte []) s.getPixels( z + 1 );
stackMin = 0;
stackMax = 255;
case ImagePlus.GRAY16:
slices_data_s = new short[depth][];
for( int z = 0; z < depth; ++z )
slices_data_s[z] = (short []) s.getPixels( z + 1 );
IJ.showStatus("Finding stack minimum / maximum");
for( int z = 0; z < depth; ++z ) {
for( int y = 0; y < height; ++y )
for( int x = 0; x < width; ++x ) {
short v = slices_data_s[z][y*width+x];
if( v < stackMin )
stackMin = v;
if( v > stackMax )
stackMax = v;
IJ.showProgress( z / (float)depth );
case ImagePlus.GRAY32:
slices_data_f = new float[depth][];
for( int z = 0; z < depth; ++z )
slices_data_f[z] = (float []) s.getPixels( z + 1 );
IJ.showStatus("Finding stack minimum / maximum");
for( int z = 0; z < depth; ++z ) {
for( int y = 0; y < height; ++y )
for( int x = 0; x < width; ++x ) {
float v = slices_data_f[z][y*width+x];
if( v < stackMin )
stackMin = v;
if( v > stackMax )
stackMax = v;
IJ.showProgress( z / (float)depth );
xy_tracer_canvas.addKeyListener( xy_tracer_canvas );
xy_window.addKeyListener( xy_tracer_canvas );
if( ! single_pane ) {
xz_tracer_canvas.addKeyListener( xz_tracer_canvas );
xz_window.addKeyListener( xz_tracer_canvas );
zy_tracer_canvas.addKeyListener( zy_tracer_canvas );
zy_window.addKeyListener( zy_tracer_canvas );
if( use3DViewer ) {
boolean reusing;
if( universeToUse == null ) {
reusing = false;
univ = new Image3DUniverse(512, 512);
} else {
reusing = true;
univ = universeToUse;
if( ! reusing ) {
boolean [] channels = { true, true, true };
String title = "Image for tracing ["+currentImage.getTitle()+"]";
String contentName = univ.getSafeContentName( title );
// univ.resetView();
Content c = univ.addContent(xy,
new Color3f(Color.white),
10, // threshold
guessResamplingFactor(), // resampling factor
if( ! reusing )
File tracesFileToLoad = null;
if( macroTracesFilename != null ) {
tracesFileToLoad = new File( macroTracesFilename );
if( tracesFileToLoad.exists() )
pathAndFillManager.load( tracesFileToLoad.getAbsolutePath() );
IJ.error("The traces file suggested by the macro parameters ("+macroTracesFilename+") does not exist");
} finally {
IJ.getInstance().addKeyListener( IJ.getInstance() );