!CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ! int.f90: ! integrates f(x)=exp(x) in the interval [vmin,vamx]=[0,1] ! using trapezoidal and Simpson rule !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc module intmod public :: f, trapez, simpson contains ! function to be integrated ! function f(x) implicit none real :: f real, intent(in) :: x f = exp(x) return end function f ! trapezoidal rule ! function trapez(i, min, max) implicit none real :: trapez integer, intent(in) :: i real, intent(in) :: min, max integer :: n real :: x, interval trapez = 0. interval= ((max-min) / (i-1)) ! sum over the internal points (excluding the end-points) do n = 2, i-1 x = interval * (n-1) trapez = trapez + f(x) * interval end do ! add the end-points trapez = trapez + 0.5 * (f(min)+f(max)) * interval return end function trapez ! Simpson rule ! function simpson(i, min, max) implicit none real :: simpson integer, intent(in) :: i real, intent(in) :: min, max integer :: n real :: x, interval simpson = 0. interval = ((max-min) / (i-1)) ! loop over the internal EVEN points do n = 2, i-1, 2 x = interval * (n-1) simpson = simpson + 4*f(x) end do ! loop over the internal ODD points do n = 3, i-1, 2 x = min + interval * (n-1) simpson = simpson + 2*f(x) end do ! add the end-points simpson = simpson + f(min)+f(max) simpson = simpson * interval/3 return end function simpson end module intmod program int use intmod ! ! variable declaration ! accuracy limit ! min and max in x ! implicit none real :: r1, r2, theo, vmin, vmax integer :: i, n ! exact value vmin = 0.0 vmax = 1.0 theo = exp(vmax)-exp(vmin) print*,' exact value =',theo open(unit=7,file='int-tra-sim.dat',status='unknown') ! write(7,*)"# N, interval, exact, Trap-exact, Simpson-exact" do i = 2,8 n = 2**i r1 = trapez(n+1, vmin, vmax) r1 = (r1-theo) r2 = simpson(n+1, vmin, vmax) r2 = (r2-theo) write(7,'(i4,4(2x,f10.6))') n, 1./n, theo, r1, r2 end do close(7) print*,' data saved in int-tra-sim.dat (|diff from exact value|)' stop end program int