program main implicit none integer :: n,m,s,d,i,j,k real*8, allocatable :: a(:), q(:,:), l(:,:), p(:,:) !1) open(10,file='input') read(10,*) n,m close(10) if (n.eq.0.and.m.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'n and m are both zero, stop here' stop endif !2) if ( then s=n else s=m endif write(*,*) 'Number of elements of a', s allocate(a(s)) d=0 do i=1,s a(i)=n+m+sqrt(dble(i)) write(*,*) i, a(i) if ( then d=d+1 endif enddo write(*,*) 'Number of elements satisying (n+m)>sqrt(i)', d !3) if ( then allocate(q(d,d)) allocate(l(d,d)) allocate(p(d,d)) j=0 do i=1,s if ( then j=j+1 q(j,j)=a(i) l(j,j)=a(i) endif enddo do j=1,d do k=j+1,d q(k,j)=k+j q(j,k)=q(k,j) l(k,j)=k-j l(j,k)=-l(k,j) enddo enddo call do_mat(q,l,d,p) else write(*,*) 'Matrix instructions are not done' endif !4) open(10,file='a.dat') do i=1,s write(10,100), i, a(i) enddo close(10) if ( then open(11,file='q.dat') open(12,file='l.dat') open(13,file='p.dat') do i=1,d do j=1,d write(11,101) i,j,q(i,j) write(12,101) i,j,l(i,j) write(13,101) i,j,p(i,j) enddo enddo close(11) close(12) close(13) endif 100 format(I4,F10.4) 101 format(I4,I4,F10.4) stop end program main subroutine do_mat(q,l,d,p) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: d real*8, intent(in) :: q(d,d), l(d,d) real*8, intent(out) :: p(d,d) integer i,j,k p=0.d0 do i=1,d do j=1,d do k=1,d p(i,j)=p(i,j)+q(i,k)*l(k,j) enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine do_mat