German Pavilion at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition 2016
Deutscher Pavillon auf der 15. Internationalen Architekturausstellung 2016
15. Uluslararasi Mimarlik Sergisi’nde Alman Pavyonu 2016
Padiglione Tedesco Alla 15. Mostra Internazionale Di Architettura 2016
04 March – 22 October 2017 (DAM Frankfurt)
The open pavilion
The Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) curated the German Pavilion exhibition at the 15th International Architecture Exhibition 2016 – La Biennale di Venezia, under the title Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country. Four large openings in the walls of the German Pavilion, necessitating the removal of over 48 tons of brick from the landmark-protected walls, transformed the building into an open house.
The idea for Germany’s contribution to the Architecture Biennale originated during the turbulent weeks of autumn 2015 when, every day, thousands of refugees were arriving at stations and while the German Chancellor was sticking with an iron will to a policy of no upper limit for the number of refugees coming into the country. “Wir schaffen das” (We can do it).
Six months later, after the close of the Biennale, the openings were bricked over again. The pavilion now stands closed up and replastered for the 2017 Art Biennale.
The exhibition Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country was presented (04.03.2017 - 22.10.2017) on two floors at the DAM, and featured updated and expanded subject matters, as well as documentation and a review of the German Pavilion in Venice.
"Making Heimat" will travel the world with Goethe Institute
Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)
Schaumainkai 43
60596 Frankfurt am Main
Tel +49.69.212 38844
www.dam-online.deSOMETHING FANTASTIC
Leipziger Str. 61
10117 Berlin
Tel +49.30.34082162
Supported by Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear SafetySupervised by Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) within the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning(BBR)
Curators:Peter Cachola Schmal, Direktor DAM
Anna Scheuermann, Kuratorin Making Heimat - DAM
Oliver Elser, Kurator Deutscher Pavillon VenedigCuratorial assistant:Tiziana Agus, Lessano Negussie
Graphic design and exhibition design:Something Fantastic, Berlin: Elena Schütz, Julian Schubert, Leonard Streich with Lukas Graf, Marius Helten, Elsa Lherm Delorme, Sarah Scherzer, Charlotte Schönberger
Consultants:Doug Saunders, Toronto
Matthias Schulze-Böing and Kai Vöckler, OffenbachLocation scout Offenbach:Loimi Brautmann
Thanks to:Felix Torkar und Gala Nettelbladt, Clemens F. Kusch and Martin Weigert, Tomas Ewald, Julia Albani, Silke Neumann, Joanna Kamm, Joanne Pouzenc und Sören Zuppke, Julius Fischötter and Ruben Bernegger
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Responsible for the contents according German media law and § 5 Telemediengesetz TMG:
The Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM) is a museum of the City of Frankfurt.Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)
Schaumainkai 43
60596 Frankfurt am MainUSt-IdNr. DE114110388
Director: Peter Cachola Schmal
Tel 069 / 212-36313
Fax 069 / 212-36386
peter.schmal (at) stadt-frankfurt.deRealization: Modem Studio, Berlin
Design: Something Fantastic, Berlin
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