Section outline

    • Species diversity in the sea. Global patterns of distribution. Factors and processes affecting marine biodiversity distribution.

    • The diversity of benthos. Definitions and classification based on size and relationships with the substrate. Colonial and solitary animals. Body structure, reproduction, feeding strategies and ecological role: porifera, cnidaria, annelida, mollusca, arthropoda, echinodermata, bryozoa, tunicata, fish. Other phyla. Meiofauna. Main benthic habitats. Methods for benthic habitats mapping.

    • The diversity of pelagos. The pelagic environment. Plankton: size e categories. Cyanobacteria. Eucaryotic phytoplankton. Prasinophyceae. Coccolithophorids. Diatoms. Silicon balance. Dinoflagellates. Algal bloom. Phytoplankton productivity in the ocean. Foraminifera. Radiolaria. Zooplankton: copepods. Eufasiacea. other groups: Chaetognata, gelatinous zooplankton. Ichthyoplankton. Seasonal cycle of plankton. Nekton. Common traits across taxa. Cephalopods. Fish. Reptiles and marine mammals.