Section outline

    • Seagrasses: origin, ecological features, diversity and distribution. The seagrasses of the Mediterranean. Posidonia oceanica: distribution, structural characteristics, growth and reproduction. Environmental factors affecting the density of seagrass meadows. Matte. Banquettes. The ecological role of seagrass meadows. Primary productivity and carbon sequestration. Associated biodiversity and food webs. Anthropogenic impacts: anchoring, ports, fishing, sedimentation and coastal artificialisation. Indices of ecological status of seagrass beds. Effect of organic enrichment. Introduction of alien species. Effect of climate change. State of the seagrass beds in the Mediterranean Sea.


      Mangroves: characteristics, biology and global distribution. Types of mangroves. Root systems and adaptation to submersion conditions and high salinity. Reproduction. Ecological role. Carbon sequestration and productivity. Coastal protection. Habitat formation for marine and terrestrial species. Associated biodiversity. The importance of mangroves for fishing and tourism in tropical areas. Anthropogenic impacts and effects of climate change. Shrimp aquaculture and mangrove decline in Southeast Asia: socio-ecological consequences.