3. Lattice and crystalline structures (12, 13, 19 Oct. 2023)
Section outline
Introduction to lattice structures: Bravais lattices and crystalline structures in real space. Lattices with basis (generalities; examples about the conventional cells of the cubic lattices; other relevant examples: diamond, graphene, graphite). Packing fraction. [12 Oct]
Other examples of Bravais lattices with basis: zincblende, rocksalt, wurzite (one slide). Wigner-Seitz cells.
Reciprocal lattices. Families of lattice planes. Miller indices.
Brillouin zone. [13 Oct]
X-ray diffraction: Bragg and von Laue. Structure factor. [19 Oct]
[Ashcroft & Mermin, Ch. 4, 5, 6]
Test on lattices and crystalline structures QuizOpened: Thursday, 19 October 2023, 1:00 PMClosed: Saturday, 31 August 2024, 11:59 PM