Lecture 18 - 05/12/24
Schema della sezione
Margaret E. McIntosh (1997) Formative Assessment in Mathematics, The Clearing House, 71(2), pp. 92-96.
David R. Krathwohl (2002) A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy: An Overview, Theory Into Practice, 41(4), pp. 212-218
Rittle-Johnson, B., Schneider, M. & Star, J.R. (2015). Not a One-Way Street: Bidirectional Relations Between Procedural and Conceptual Knowledge of Mathematics. Educ Psychol Rev 27, 587–597
Martínez-Arboleda, A. (2021). Ipsative assessment: measuring personal improvement. In T. Beaven & F. Rosell-Aguilar (Eds), Innovative language pedagogy report (pp. 77-82)
Brookhart, S. M., & McMillan, J. H. (2020). Classroom assessment and educational measurement (p. 296). Taylor & Francis.
Hansol Lee, Huy Q. Chung, Yu Zhang, Jamal Abedi & Mark Warschauer (2020) The Effectiveness and Features of Formative Assessment in US K-12 Education: A Systematic Review, Applied Measurement in Education, 33(2), pp. 124-140
Foster, C (2022). Implementing Confidence Assessment in Low-Stakes, Formative Mathematics Assessments. Int J of Sci and Math Educ 20, pp. 1411–1429