See the program for used books, moodle for additional parts (notes and slides), compu* are useful for mats and mat steps.
I PART: “EXTRAGALACTIC ASTRONOMY AND COSMOLOGY”, Schneider 2nd ed. 2015 - Springer [S] for extragalactic astron-omy or basics; “FUNDAMENTAL ASTRONOMY”, Karttunen, Kroger, Oja, et al. [K] for basics or phenomenology; “GALACTIC ASTRONOMY”, Binney and Merrifield - Univ. Press, [BM] advanced text for basics and phenomenology;
II PART: “GALACTIC DYNAMICS”, Binney and Tremaine, (1st ed.,1988) Princ. Univ. Press [BT1] for dynamics, 2nd ed. (2008) [BT2] for observational applications.
MINORS: “THE PHYSICS OF CLUSTER MERGERS”, C. Sarazin [S02] in “Merging Processes in Galaxy Clusters” (from ADS abstract); Sarazin 1986 Re- view for Galaxy Clusters [S86]; Gary Mamon’s course [M] CT2.pdf course complet; to make computations, integrals and so on.