Section outline
Basic info about the course, the study material, and the examination.
Recording on Teams, link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aTmj2Q_zNhYm_cOGzd3fm_RLH-SU8RzJw-EaY7v7vPpA1%40thread.tacv2/General?groupId=bfd0affb-649e-4559-9b73-b2a1114b6120&tenantId=a54b3635-128c-460f-b967-6ded8df82e75
You find the recordings in Files>Recordings>Solo visualizzazione.
Link to the document to choose the paper for your presentation: Paper_choice.xlsx
Link to the document to book a date for the examination AFTER YOU BOOKED AN OFFICIAL DATE IN ESSE3: Exam_Dates_Booking
The exam on the 13th of September will take place in room 4C of H2bis.
Basic notions about algorithms and pseudocodes. Asymptotic complexity. Asymptotic notation.
Recording on Teams (team CD2022 587SM-2 ALGORITHMIC DESIGN ) or below: -
This is a partial list of papers that are eligible for the presentation you have to prepare for the exam. You can either pick a paper from this list (I will set up a tool to associate people to papers in the next few days) or propose a paper yourself or ask me to find a paper on your preferred topic, as long as it is related to the topics of the course.
16.FM Index File PDF
19.Omnitigs File PDF
38.WhatsHap File PDF