Schema della sezione
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Spinal reflexes: miotatic reflex, muscle spindle and postural tone; di-sinaptic reflex; polisinaptic reflex and its possible role in walking. Brainstem reflexes: the vestibular system and the vestibulo-ocular reflex; the superior colliculus and the orienting reflex. Descending control of sensory afferents: the saccadic suppression. Somaesthesia: sensory transduction, classification and type of receptors, coding of intensity, duration, location and modality of sensory stimuli; receptive fields, acuity, sensory pathways, somatosensory cortex, cortical plasticity. Subdivision, properties, organization and functions of primary and associative regions of the cerebral cortex. Voluntary movement: types of movements and their control by sensory feedback; motor equivalence. Cortico-spinal systems: pyramidal and extrapyramidal ones. Cortical organization of movement: primary motor and premotor areas; mirror neurons. Motor function of the posterior parietal cortex; fronto-parietal network and channels for action and for perception. Basal ganglia: direct and indirect pathways for the generation of voluntary movement. Cerebellum: subdivisions and their role in motor control.
PRINCIPLES OF NEUROSCIENCE, by Kandel & Schwarz, Elsevier
or any language version of:
FUNDAMENTAL NEUROSCIENCE, by Squire et al., Academic Press.
NEUROSCIENZE, di D. Purves et al. Zanichelli
NEUROSCIENZE, Esplorando il cervello, di M.F. Bear, et al., Masson-Elsevier!!! Students who want their final mark to be registerd, have to send an email to battagli@units.it !!!
General organization of the spinal cord. Classification of peripheral fibers. Classification of spinal reflexes. Monosynaptic reflex. Muscle spindle. H Reflex. Reciprocal inhibition. Di-synaptic reflex. Polisynaptic reflexes. Flexion reflex. Synaptic organization of the spinal cord. Synaptic integration. General organization of the motor system.
Caricato il 5/03/2019 13:17
General organization of the brainstem. Vestibular reflexes. Vestibular apparatus. Vestibular receptors. Movement of the cupola and otolithes. Trasduction in hair cells. Vestibular nuclei. Vestibular nystagmus. Optocinetic nystagmus. Orienting reflex. W ganglion cells. Extra retina-geniclulo-cortical visual pathways. Superior colliculus. Stability of visual perception. Saccadic suppression. Blindsight
Somaesthesia File PPTX
Sensory modalities and senses. Sensory transduction. Cutaneous mechanoceptors. Receptive field. Coding of stimulus duration: slow and fast receptors. Coding of stimulus intensity. Population effect. Spatial and temporal summation. Divergence and convergence. Discharge zone. Coding of duration, modality and location. Tactile acuity. Lemniscal and spino-thalamic pathways. Cerebral cortex. Laminar organization. Primary sensory area. Coding of stimulus location and modality
Functional subdivisions of the cerebral cortex. Brodman’s areas. Laminar organization. Cortical columns. Development and maturation. Cortical plasticity. Primary areas. Association areas
Kinds of movement. Kinds of movement control. Motor equivalence. Overall organization of the motor systems. Pyramidal tract. Primary motor cortex. Premotor areas. Working memory. Mirror neurons. Functional streams. Action and perception. Timing for motor production
General organization of motor systems. Overview of the basal ganglia. Relation of basal ganglia with the cerebral cortex. Direct and indirect pathways. Disorders of the basal ganglia. Overview of the cerebellum. Functional organization. Input and output pathways