Section outline
References File PDF
Final program of the course with updated bibliography
Conducting exams in the coronavirus emergency
Complete notes of the course given in 2018/19.
Lesson 1 File PDF
Short introduction and aim of the course.
Basic facts on affine and projective space.
Definition of affine variety. Zariski topology.
File audio AAC
Lesson 2 File PDF
Graded rings, homogeneous ideals.
Projective zeroes of a polynomial. Projective varieties and Zariski topology on the projective space.
Examples of affine and projective varieties. Hypersurfaces, product of affine spaces, Segre quadric, embedding of affine space in projective space.
Added the solution of exercise 3.1.
Lesson 4 File PDF
Ideal of a subset of the affine or projective space. Hilbert's Nullstellensatz.
Pages 21-23 of Walker
Added a couple of remarks, typos corrected.
Added some remarks and hints on the Exercises, after the discussion of March 23.
Correction in the Remark after the proof of Nullstellensatz.
Lesson 5 File PDF
Proof of Noether Normalization Lemma
Lesson 6 File PDF
Projective closure of an affine variety.
The skew cubic and its minimal free resolution.
Small corrections.
Lesson 7 File PDF
Irreducible topological spaces. Irreducible components of algebraic varieies.
Small corrections
Lesson 8 File PDF
Added a few comments and corrections
Lesson 9 File PDF
Dimension theory for K-algebras.
Added a remark and some clarification on the Corollaries.
Lesson 10 File PDF
Regular and rational functions on algebraic varieties
Extended version
Small changes
Lesson 11 File PDF
Regular maps and isomorphisms.
The paragraph on category theory has been moved to a new Lesson 12; a few other small changes.
Changes and corrections following the observations that emerged in the lecture of 20th April.
Added the solution to Exercise 3.
Lesson 12 File PDF
The language of categories.
Lesson 13 File PDF
Rational maps
Added some remarks, small corrections.
Lesson 14 File PDF
Product of quasi-projective varieties and tensors. -
Misprints corrected, mainly in notation.
Lesson 15 File PDF
Dimension of an intersection of algebraic varieties.
Enlarged version
Lesson 16 File PDF
Complete varieties and the theorem of completeness for projective varities.
Lesson 17 File PDF
Tangent space and smoothness
Enlarged version
Corrected version.
Lesson 18 File PDF
Finite morphisms and blow-ups
Added an exercise.
Mistakes corrected
Exemple 3 corrected.
Lesson 19 File PDF
New Theorem 1.8 and minor corrections.
Lesson 20 File PDF
Theorem of the fibres and application to lines on hypersurfaces.