Schema della sezione
The first lesson - the presentation of the course
1.1 Demand and supply of agri-food products
1.2 Market models in agri-food sectors
1.3 Instability and uncertainty in agriculture
1.4 Agricultural sector in the developed and in developing countries
Slide - "The 'circular economy' applied to the agri-food sector" - presentation at The European Commission DG Research & Innovation hosted conference on: 'Harnessing Research and Innovation for FOOD 2030: A Science Policy Dialogue’ 16 October 2017, Brussels
Slide of conference
CIRCULAR ECONOMY FOR A NEW AGRICULTURE, Janez Potočnik, RISE Foundation and FFA Chairman Co-Chair International Resource Panel – UNEP
EP BRUSSLES, June 27nd 2016
links to some institutional videos (FAO, UN, OECD, ..) concerning the topics covered in the slides "Topic1 - part A"
Slide concerning Topic 1 - Agri-food markets - part B
link to skype meeting for the on-line lesson - 25th march 2020 11:00 a.m.