Schema della sezione
Introduction to the module:
Modern heroes, modern trials: narrative fiction and legal discourses in some XXth century novels the (II module – 20 hours)
The module will consider a selection of three famous English novels of the XXth century, Joseph Conrad’s Lord Jim (1900), E.M.Forster’s A Passage to India (1924) and Ian Mc Ewan’s Atonement (2001), which in different ways engage with the theme of the law, justice, the problematic reconstruction of truth through narrative. Through the critical reading of these celebrated modernist and postmodernist texts, the module will focus on the mutual illumination of the legal discourse and literary narrative, the question of justice, the relation between literature and ethics that informs our reading of literary texts.
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim (Oxford/Penguin).
E.M.Forster, A Passage to India (Oxford/Penguin) .
Ian McEwan, Atonement. London, Virago.
"Diritto e letteratura" di Richard Weisberg in http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/diritto-e-letteratura_(Enciclopedia-delle-scienze-sociali)/
Una nota ( e utile) introduzione teorica ai principali aspetti del rapporto interdisciplinare tra letteratura e legge
Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim (1900) selected reading from online edition (www.online literature) thsi file is not to be used as a substitute of the recommended print edition to be read "cover to cover"
selected reading lesson 1-2