Schema della sezione
Science, technology and innovation (STI) play an ever increasing role in public policies and international relations. As such, they represent an object of multidisciplinary investigation pertinent to many disciplines in the social sciences and the humanities.
The module offers an introduction to Science Diplomacy (SD), framing the development of this field of study in the broader context of the social studies of science. Furthermore, the module illustrates the European Union strategy in this policy domain, and presents two case studies about SD in two crucial geopolitical areas: Middle East and Central and Southeastern Europe. The module includes five lectures featuring leading scholars and practitioners from Italy and abroad.In accordance with Departmental regulations, attendance of the course grants TAF F credits (CFU) to students enrolled in the University of Trieste. Students must pass a final test to be awarded the credits.-
The Course Bruchure can be downloaded from this folder.
Social Sciences and Humanities and, more specifically, Social Studies of Science and Technology explore the complex interactions between science, technology and society, studying how social, political, cultural, and material conditions shape scientific work and how science, in turn, shapes society.Taking into account this broader perspective, this lecture offers an introduction on how science, technology and innovation (STI) become the subject of domestic and foreign public policies and, conversely, on how STI exert an increasing influence on the international domain.
This resource includes:
- Handouts of the PowerPoint slides;
- Suggested readings:
Arnaldi, S. (2020), "Politiche della ricerca e partecipazione pubblica", in Neresini, F., Magaudda, P. (a cura di), Gli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 75-89.
This lesson presents the basic definitions and frameworks of Science Diplomacy (SD), along with key historical cases. The concept and practice of SD are examined as they refer to (1) the interplay between science, science policy and foreign policy; (2) the increasing relevance of science in international relations. This lesson will provide the essential concepts and knowledge to engage with the more specialized topics dealt with in the rest of the course.
This resource includes:
- Handouts of the PowerPoint slides;
- Suggested readings:
Flink; Schreiterer (2010): Science diplomacy at the intersection of S&T policies and foreign affairs: toward a typology of national approaches. In: Science and Public Policy 37(9), pp. 665-677.
Flink (2022) Taking the Pulse of Science Diplomacy And Developing Practices of Valuation. In: Science And Public Policy 49, pp.191-200.
Science Diplomacy (SD) is an increasingly important tool in the foreign policy portfolio of the EU, which has made significant investments on this domain. This lesson assesses what SD activities are implemented in the EU and describes the current developments in this policy field on the EU level, to examine whether and how an EU strategy for SD can be organized and implemented.
This resource includes:
- Handouts of the PowerPoint slides;
- Suggested readings:
Young, M. and Ravinet, P. (2022). Knowledge power Europe, Journal of European Integration. [open access, click on the link to access the file].
Müller, J.M. and Bona, M. (2018). Past, Present, and Future of Science Diplomacy in Europe. Science & Diplomacy, Vol. 7, No. 3. [open access, click on the link to access the file].
SESAME - Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East is a joint intergovernmental research infrastructure based in Jordan. This lesson presents SESAME as a case in point to show the potential for scientific collaboration to build bridges between countries in contexts with heightened geopolitical tensions.
This resource includes:
- Suggested readings:
H. Schopper (2017), The light of SESAME: A dream becomes reality, RIVISTA DEL NUOVO CIMENTO, Vol. 40, N. 4, pp. 199-239.
No handouts on Dr. Paolucci's lesson. - Suggested readings:
This lesson highlights the Science Diplomacy initiatives of CEI (an intergovernmental forum for regional cooperation in Central and Southeastern Europe) and their impacts across the multiple divides in this region of Europe (in and out of the EU, in and out of NATO, in and out of various EU macro-regional strategies). This analysis will be preliminary to examine their contribution to strengthening cohesion along the Eastern and South-Eastern borders of the European Union.
This resource includes a link to the videorecording of Lesson 5:
This resource includes:
- Handouts of the PowerPoint slides (in Italian).
No suggested readings for this lesson.
Test e istruzioni per lo svolgimento Quiz
Completate il test. Complessivamente, dovrete rispondere a 10 domande a scelta multipla.
Se il totale delle risposte corrette sarà almeno pari al 60% del totale, il test sarà superato. È possibile ripetere il test, nel caso in cui non si raggiunga tale soglia, per un massimo di cinque volte.
Non c'è un limite di tempo per svolgere il test.
Il test sarà aperto per la compilazione fino al 31 agosto prossimo
dal 6 al 30 giugno prossimi.La compilazione può essere avviata solo dopo aver visualizzato tutte le altre attività (video, materiali) relative alle cinque lezioni del corso.Una volta superato il test, potrete scaricare l'attestato di partecipazione dalla sezione dedicata di questa pagina Moodle. L'attestato certifica che avete partecipato al corso e superato con successo il test finale e dovrà essere consegnato con il resto della documentazione quando richiederete il riconoscimento dei crediti F per la laurea.
In questa sezione, potrete scaricare l'attestato di partecipazione una volta superato il test conclusivo. L'attestato certifica che avete partecipato al corso e superato con successo il test finale e dovrà essere consegnato con il resto della documentazione quando richiederete il riconoscimento dei crediti F per la laurea.