Homework - Community detection
1) Try to use some igraph functions to produce a graph like the caveman graph (see slides on community detection #2)
Using the graph of the point 1 do the following exercises:
2) Choose the value k and use the pruning algorithm to detect the cliques of size k (see slides community detection #1, from slides 10 on)
3) Perform a k-core decomposition and produce the hierarchical plot using the appropriate plot
4) obtain the MDS coordinates following the approach from the slides (see community detection #2, slide 7 on)
5) Compute the initial value of the modularity if all nodes were placed in distinct communities
6) Run the Louvain algorithm with the built-in igraph function
7) Implement Newman-Girvan on the same graph and check if you obtain the same solution of the Louvain algorithm
Please, deliver only the commented R script (no need to upload pictures) possibly by the end of the week.