Invito da parte di Sami Suhonen

Invito da parte di Sami Suhonen

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Buongiorno a tutti,

Sami Suhonen ci trasmette un invito interessante:

 I found in our university intranet news about an interesting set of  webinars.

 I thought they might be of interest to you and the  colleagues in the university of Trieste. 

The webinars are organized  by our “KOPE”-project but they are in English and aimed for  international audience as well. No registration is needed and the 

 links to webinars are in the news below. So, if you see appropriate,  please feel free to share in your university! 

Please, notice that the  times are Finnish times.

 Best regards, Sami

 19.3. New Zealand -  Social networking platform, Instagram, in teaching and learning

 At 10.00 - 11.00 am

 Vera Leier presents examples and experiences from her pilot study  that examined the effect of using a social networking (SN) platform,  Instagram, in her teaching. Join us online to learn and discuss the  possibilities of social networking platforms in teaching.

 Vera Leier PhD, Lecturer in German, Subject coordinator, School of  Language, Social and Political Sciences, University of Canterbury,  Christchurch, New Zealand

 9.4. Italy - Mobile devices to mobilize learners and learning and creating  educational paths with mobile devices

 At 10.00 - 11.00 am

 Davide Parmigiani shows us innovative examples of how to use mobile  devices in teaching. Welcome to learn and talk about hybrid learning  environments and innovative spaces for teaching, learning and  developing competences.

 Davide Parmigiani PhD, Associate Professor of Education, Department  of Education, University of Genova, Italy Vice-president Association for Teacher Education in Europe, 

International Centre of Excellence for Innovative Learning, Utrecht  and World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education board member