Dear students,
The summer school this year will be from June 10 to June 27, Monday to Thursday from 9.00 to 12.30. Only June 10, 11 and 18 the schedule will be 14.30 to 18.00.
This year the course will be "Information Systems" and will be thaught in Via Tigor 22 by Prof. Mostowfi, Mehrgan from University of Northern Colorado. Also ten US students will attend the class.
Here is the general syllabus for the course:
Some information:
1) Enrollment open from May 9 (approx) - information on DEAMS internet site
2) The class can be recognized as: workshop or an elective exam of 6 credits
3) There is no selection: the first 25 students that apply will be accepted in the class
Donata Vianelli