Our next lesson tomorrow at 9 a.m. with Microsoft Teams

Our next lesson tomorrow at 9 a.m. with Microsoft Teams

Numero di risposte: 0

Dear Students,

I am writing this collective message through Moodle to confirm that we should be ready to have our first online lesson together tomorrow morning with MS Teams. I will be ready to start at 9 and would like to have a two-hour lesson. (The remaining hour will be made up at a future time.)

To join the lesson, go to the University "didattica a distanza" web page (https://corsi.units.it/didattica-a-distanza) and type my name (Csaki) in the "docente" box, then click "applica". You should see a link to your course.

Please bring any questions you may have about our course, the homework, or English in general. You can ask me by speaking or writing on the chat. If you are not speaking, please keep your microphone on "mute" to keep the sound clear. Thanks.

Hope to see you tomorrow!

Your teacher,

Anna Csaki