Any questions about the Workshop activity?
What do you think about it?
Just share your feelings, doubts, ideas here!
I like very much this opportunity.
Dear Matilde,
yesterday in Forum news you wrote: "It's time you add other 2 entries to the glossary, and then, by tomorrow, also read up this page. You're goingo to need it for the next task."
Sorry, but which is "this page" ? it is not linkable...
In summary, the new tasks are: first, two new entries of the glossary; second, the workshop. Do I forget anything?
Bye to all,
Dear Giovanna,
thank you for pointing this out. I knew there was something wrong :(
Anyway, the page is this one, in topic 3, on E-resources at the University of Trieste.
I also updated it in the original post, so now it should be OK.
And... yes, your summary of the expected activities is correct.
Have a nice weekend,
Hi Matilde,
I have uploaded something right now. Can you read it? I'm not sure if I submitted correctly.
Bye Manola
hi matilde, in the attachment you will find the diagram (by me and graziano) about "classifying information" classroom work.
(sorry if i put it here: i don't know if there is a specific place)
Very interesting, Michele, and thank you for sharing.
On Friday you and graziano will be able to explain it to the rest of the group... and the others should think about doing the same ... NO PANIC!
Hi Matilde,
I uploaded right now something....but I don't know if you can read it :(((
Is there something wrong? let me know if it is ok
I did the activity last saturday.
Well, I sketched only 1 dialogue because I was not sure I centred the task.
Can you pease check it, so I can write down two more situations?
Bye, Angelica
Dear Angelica,
I did read it, and it is almost right: phase 2 should the librarian's reply to the user, not a description of the general situation - though I realise my instructions could be misunderstood.
I'm beginning to think there is NO way to give instructions that CANNOT be misunderstood :(
Ok, I'm going to write down another situation with the correct phase two.
I cannot - or maybe I'm not able to - create another submission. So I'm going to modify the text already wrtten and add a new topic (only one, I'm sorry, time flies).
About instructions: you are right. I had the same problem as Maria Rosa, looking for others' files.
See you tomorrow
Hi Matilde, I uploaded 3 files 5 days ago....but I cannot yet see the files of others participants ... Is there something wrong? let me know if it is ok, thank you, Maria Rosa
Nobody can see the others' files yet. When you all have uploaded I'll update the workshop to the next phase and you will be able to.
Dear Matilde
I was told that the lesson of Friday was good, I'm sorry I could not partecipate. We'll talk about for details.
I access in the assessment phase of the workshop, shouldn't I see my task and other two too? I see only mine...
A good day to all
Thank you Giovanna, I'm sorry you were not able to be there, and glad the others told you it was good.
Can you assess your work? Try that, then probably you will be able to assess the others' as well.
In case it does not worl, lìlease let me know.
Thanks to you and everyone else for your patience in testing this new tool.
Dear Matilde, I accessed the example and the dialogues of my colleagues you assigned to me, but I cannot assess my activity: there is something wrong? Thank you, Maria Rosa
Hello Matilde, sorry but I cannot assess my activity, nor I see the dialogues of my colleagues. Can you help me? Giovanna
Hello GIovanna,
everything seems to be set the right way: can you post her (or email me) the screenshots of what you see when you try and assess? Maybe I could be able to discover why it does not work.
Maria Rosa wrote:
>I cannot assess my activity: there is something wrong?
Unfortunately, this does not seem to work and I have no idea why :(
Ok, let's say we skip the "assess your own work" phase... good news for you all!
Dear Matilde, I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be able to do my "homework". Orders and periodicals have the priority.
Bye, Manola
Ok, I have just completed my workshop activity.
I'm very sorry for being so late, I'm a very bad student...
My intention is to do the final text in the week-end (this one I mean). Please, let me try before closing the course.
Dear Matilde
I also would do the final test in tne next we. I ask you not to close the course too...
Dear Matilde,
I will do the final test tomorrow afternoon ...
Dear Matilde
I would do the final test today. I ask you not to close the course too...
Thank you, Maria Rosa
Don't worry, I have no intention of closing the course yet ;)
Can you all make it by the end of the week, or by Monday 22 at the latest?
Have a good day!
I finished :)))
Merry Christmas
That's good Deborah, which reminds me I still have to wish merry Christmas to you all :)
Merry Christmas to you all and a new year with a lot of satisfactions!
Dear Matilde, I revised the term "Open access" in the glossary: please control if it's Ok now. Thak you, have a nice day, Maria Rosa
Looks good, Maria Rosa.
Just remember to use "on the Internet" instead of "in" :D
I wish merry Christmas everybody! Maria Rosa
Merry Christmas to everybody :)
The workshop activity was (in my opinion) very easy to understand.
I like it because it made me think about how we interact with users.
I think it's not very useful (in easy) to evaluate your own work.
anyway... thank you Matilde!