Answers to sample test

Answers to sample test

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Hi everybody!

Last week I sent you a sample test to solve at home. Here you have the same test with the solutions included and some hints to find the right choice.

Note that the correct answer is highlighted in yellow. In the question proposition, I have also highlighted (in blue) the clue to the right answer whenever possible. Sometimes, you do not have a specific clue, but instead, you have to make deductions based on the reading content.  

I want you to analyze the answers you gave when solving the test at home and compare them with the correct results I'm sending today.  

Last, we still have two lessons to go before the end of the course which will be on May 20. A possible date for the "primo appello" could be June 4, but it all depends on the Department's decision. I'll let you know next week. Please, don't worry.
Best to you,

Prof. Lourdes Gonzalez-Valera