Mathematics summer exams

Mathematics summer exams

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Dear students,


following the lines of our University concerning the summer exams, the summer Mathematics exams will be basically in presence. The dates already appear on ESSE3. The written parts will take place in Aula Magna, Piazzale Europa 1, Building D (the restructured one). Indeed, the classes were not exclusively online, but the teaching was of mixed type, online/in presence. The in-presence written exam will consist of 6 questions, of the same types as the previous written exam. The answers are open, not multiple choice as the online exam.

Nevertheless, you have the opportunity to take the exam online. In this case, the exam will be whole online, both the written and the oral part, both compulsory. There is a list of motivations in the “Linee guida” of the Rector, according to which you can ask to stand for the exam online:

1)      Reasons related to the sanitary emergency;

2)      Impossibility of reaching the University of Trieste physically due to the restrictions (if any);

3)      The fact that you have attended the classes exclusively online.

In case that you want to ask to stand for the exam online, you have to send to me, by e-mail
( ) a signed self-declaration with the clear indication of the motivation to your requirement. A copy must be sent at the same time to the Secretariat of the Department ( ) for checking, if this will be needed later on. You have to send me your signed self-declaration, if you are entitled to do that, by June 1, at 10 a.m.. I shall acknowledge the receipt as soon as I have received your mail.

The online exam will follow the same rules as the previous one. I shall send you, by e-mail, the link to a google meet room, then I shall give you the password, and with that password you will be entitled to open the Quiz on moodle. The test will last one hour, both in presence and online. The online written test will be on the same days of the “in presence” one, but in the afternoon. In particular, the online written tests will be on 8 and 29 June, at 5 p.m..

 Gianni Bosi