Dear All,
Many of you have submitted your portfolios. Thank you. I will give feedback with priority given to people who are signed up for exam dates already.
Here is what you need to know for the rest of my section of the exam.
There will be a Multiple Choice section based on what we covered in class:
Style Guidelines/general knowledge of Assigned Texts
Editing and Revision: I will give you a text to revise. You don't have to edit using all the symbols that I did, but your approach (using questions directed at the writer, for example) and changes to the text should be clear.
Academic Essay on selected topic covered in class. I will give you a choice of topics and, again, I will limit myself to topics we covered in class.
My part of the exam should take roughly 1.5 hours. It will be on paper, so bring a couple of pens.
If you attended the class and completed the assignments, the exam should be a nice moment for showing off what you learned.
Good luck!
Karoline Steckley