Possibilità di internship a ESO

Possibilità di internship a ESO

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Dear Students,

I post here below the announcement of opportunity for internships at ESO.

Please, let me know in case some of you is interested so that I can point you to someone who's proposing cosmology-related projects.

All the best,

Stefano Borgani


Dear colleagues,


This is an announcement for the call for science internships Garching 2023A


Programme Description:

The Science Internship Programme is intended for short term visits (usually 2-3 months) from students who want to gain a research experience at ESO Garching. The internship is targeted to Master students.

The aim is to offer to university students (Master) a very good opportunity to get involved for the first time in an Astronomy project and to work in an Observatory environment, which might be decisive to encourage the youngest generation of students of the ESO state members and Chile to enrol into an Astronomy PhD programme and/or become future ESO telescopes users. This science internship programme offers to ESO staff and fellows a good opportunity to start developing their mentoring skills and it is a good way to make contact with excellent students from the state members and Chile interested in Astronomy, who could be potential future applicants to our ESO studentship programme. It serves also as a tool to increase collaborations with the member states’ universities and research institutes.



An ad-hoc committee composed by a group of ESO staff and fellows will select the proposed internship projects based on the scientific idea, its feasibility in the requested time, the impact for the students and the students’ CV and a motivation letter. 


Format and deadline:

We aim to host the students at the ESO HQ in Garching. In this case extra allowance to cover lodging and flights (if needed) will be available.

However, all internships will be turned online with a reduced allowance, should the safety measures related to the evolution of the pandemic require us to do so.


Please fill the web form https://forms.office.com/r/KdYpH8rfQU and attach to it with the students’ CV and motivation letter by November 21st.


Best regards,

The Office for Science