Dear students,
I am writing you this long message because I am receiving many e-mails and I want to be definitively clear about the assignment.
As I said during the first lecture of the course, the assignment would be reserved for attending students even though I would not record attendance. I received about 100 proposals even though the maximum number of people attending my class would be 30. I decided to be understanding and accepted all proposals to help you.
Incidentally, I found out that some of these people were not registered on the course's Moodle page (I asked to do it during the first day of class) and so I don't know how they can be informed about the assignment and the final submission. However, it is assumed that those who have decided to do the assignment are attending students and are informed.
For organisational reasons, I set a time limit for the upload of the proposal (sometimes not respected) and for the final submission.
In addition, as the assignment is reserved for attending students, it must be printed out and handed in to me during one of the scheduled lectures by 4 December. This rule cannot be derogated for anyone so please do not send me requests to send the assignment by e-mail or to have more time.
As you may understand, this is a matter of respect towards me and towards your colleagues who respect the instructions they receive.
Starting now I will no longer reply to e-mails asking me to do the assignment even if the deadline fixed for the proposal or for the final submission has expired or to send it by e-mail.
I will always be available for those who wish to discuss with me or to ask for help on their chosen topic.
I am truly shocked by the lack of seriousness with which some of you approach university and I wonder what will happen when you have to submit your final thesis or when at work it will be given you deadline to meet and I hope my words can make you reflect.
I apologise for this long message to those who have diligently followed my instructions.
Giulia Serafin
PS: The assignment score will be added to your exam score only if you achieve the sufficiency mark (18 points). The assignment will be valid for the entire academic year.