Marks Economic Geography test 27 January 2017

Marks Economic Geography test 27 January 2017

Number of replies: 0

Dear All, 

following are the marks of the test as on 27 January

You can either accept the marks obtained or discuss them during in an oral examination to change it. 

If you need to see me please come on Tuesday 26 from 11 am to 1 pm in my office. 

I WILL NOT register your marks on the Esse3 platform unless you either confirm your acceptance of the marks or after discussing it after the oral examination.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any question


Giuseppe Borruso

Name Surname Mark
Valentina Basso 30+
Francesco Biviano 28
Eleonora Cia 30+
Mattia Lembo 28
Jasmine Marini 30
Giacomo Montagner 30
Elisabetta Pizzonia 27
Leonardo Pollesel 20
Deniela Riccio 30
Chiara Seggi 23
Ariel Terrile 27
Marco Vecellio 30+