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The Blu-ray Disc -official abbreviation BD- is the optical medium created by Sony at the beginning of 2002 as an evolution of the DVD for high-definition television. It permits a huge storage of data, almost 40 times more than a single-layer DVD-Single Side. Because it's bigger than a USBkey, it's not so easy to lose this kind of E-resource, but careful because the BluRay discs are flimsy ;)


It permits a huge storage of data: I would say: it permits (allows) to store a huge amount of data

single-layer DVD-Single Side: The object is "Side" or "DVD" here?

it's: remember: in formal English writing do not use contraction (but this is not so formal, so it's fine :))


Bibliographic database

A bibliographic database is an organized collection of bibliographic records or better an organized digital collection of references to journals and newspaper articles, books, conference poroceedings, etc.

They covers only bibliographical information and possibly abstracts.

They generally contain rich subject descriptions such as keywords or subject classification terms

A bibliographic database may be general in scope or cover a specific academic discipline. 

Most of bibliographic databases are proprietary, available by licensing agreement from vendors.

Boolean operators

Logical operators (AND - OR - NOT ) that make electronic bibliographic reasearch different from the traditional one set based on a print index. These prepositions operators permit to combine different concepts within the same research, in contrast to the traditional research that allows access to contents using only one word at a time. Every preposition has a specific function and leads to a specific result.  IN - NEAR - WITH can be also be used as boolean operators.


prepositions : AND, OR are conjunctions, NOT an adverb. This in syntax, but here they are "operators", a collective noun including them all.

research: wgìhat about "search string"?

In general: use "allow" rather than "permit".

Another general remark: the operators were NOT born to serve bibliographic research, so maybe you should explain their history (and also something about how they work)



A Web browser, in information technology, is a program that allows you to use the services of Internet connectivity, i.e. a computer network, and to browse the World Wide Web. The most famous are Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Also Chrome is very good.


Citation software

A citation software is a software which helps people organize bibliographies.

Bibliographic citations can be distributed in folders created by users.

This kind of sw often can work with an Internet browser and capture citations and documents from bibliographic databases.

Groups of users can be created inside the citation sw, so that users can share news, texts, discussions in the group.

Finally, if we are writing a book or an article, the citation software can do the footnotes and the bibliography at the end of the text.

Citation sw are: Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley, etc.



Convert pictures or sound into a digital form  that can be processed by a computer


Acronym of Digital Object Identifier. It consits of a character string with a defined syntax, that provides a persitent and unique identification of an electronic document. It thus makes the document accessible and linkable independently from its url or metadata, that may change.

The document can be found in the Internet using the DOI resolver at or simply writing the string before the DOI itself.

The governance of the system is a non-profit organization, the International DOI Foundation, working with many different registration agencies.



Short form for electronic journal.

A journal published and distributed in electronic form, mostly online on the Internet.

E-journals are both online-only or electronic versions of printed journals.

Most scholarly and academic journals are at present produced and made available as e-journals, because of the relevant advantages in terms of diffusion, accessibility, impact.

Costs are largely influenced by publishers' policies; the open access movement has an important and increasing role in the e-journals market.


* if you mean just ONE publisher you should say "the publisher's policies". But I think you probably mean publishers here, so you should say "publishers' policies" (or "the publishers' policies" both correct but with a slightly different angle)


Device used to read digital resources such as e-books and e-journals. It is a portable device that permits to store a great quantity of digital documents; it allowsalso direct e-books' download trough wifi systems. E-reader screens are designed to allow the users a comfortable reading.

software : it is not a software, as far as I know, but a device which obviously requires some software in order to work.

resoruces: resources (just a mistype, obviously :))

storaging: I found some cases on the web, but the main language dictionaries do not have this entry. I would say "permits to store",  "allows to store" or "permits the storage of".

permits: Note that permit strongly stresses the "give permission to" while "allow" also means "make it possible to..."

from: I suggest "through wi-fi networks", "from" a publisher's website

confortable: comfortable







Digital version of a printed (or not printed) book. It can be read on a ebook reader, on a pc or on a tablet.

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