E-resources and library services

Course aim: to help librarians explaining library e-services to users

  • In class
  1. E-resources: a general overview
    1. E-journals
    2. Databases
    3. E-books
    4. Mobile library
    5. Access to services (on and off- campus)
    6. Finding articles
  2. The web: hot topics
    1. Google search - advantages and limits
    2. Social media and the web
  3. E-resources at the University of Trieste
    1. E-journals
    2. Databases
    3. E-books
    4. Access to services (on and off- campus, PC and mobile)
    5. Finding articles
  • Online:
  1. Compulsory:you need to do this in order to get your course certificate:
    1. Do the quiz
    2. Insert at least 3 entries in the glossary
    3. Look up materials and links here
    4. Deliver the assignment through Workshop module
    5. Give feedback on other users' assignments
    6. Take the final test (this will be prepared later on, so no link available at the moment)
  • Elective: using the following materials and activites will improve your language use, but no marks are taken down in case you do not have the time to:
    1. TED-ED lesson on Eli Pariser's talk
    2. Read Manchester Tutorial and do corresponding Quizlet activity (NB: DO register first in order to have your activity regularly monitored)
Last modified: Thursday, 6 November 2014, 10:41 AM