Course syllabus
Completion requirements
E-resources and library services
Course aim: to help librarians explaining library e-services to users
- In class
- E-resources: a general overview
- The web: hot topics
- Google search - advantages and limits
- Social media and the web
- E-resources at the University of Trieste
- Online:
- Compulsory:you need to do this in order to get your course certificate:
- Do the quiz
- Insert at least 3 entries in the glossary
- Look up materials and links here
- Deliver the assignment through Workshop module
- Give feedback on other users' assignments
- Take the final test (this will be prepared later on, so no link available at the moment)
- Elective: using the following materials and activites will improve your language use, but no marks are taken down in case you do not have the time to:
Last modified: Thursday, 6 November 2014, 10:41 AM