Aggregazione dei criteri
- Numerov's algorithm for the 1D Schroedinger equation (application: harmonic oscillator)
- Properties and generation of Random Numbers with different distributions.
- Monte Carlo simulation of Random Walks.
- Numerical integration in 1 dimension: deterministic and stochastic algorithms;
- Monte Carlo algorithms.
- Error estimate and reduction of the variance methods.
- Metropolis algorithm for arbitrary random number generation.
- Metropolis method in the canonical ensamble.
- Ising model and Metropolis-Monte Carlo simulation.
- Classical fluids: Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulation of hard spheres and Lennard-Jones fluids.
- Microstates and macrostates: efficient algorithm for the numerical calculation of entropy.
- Variational Monte Carlo in quantum mechanics (basics).
- Lattice gas: vacancy diffusion in a solid.
- Fractals: diffusion and aggregation, models for surface growth simulation. Percolation.
- Chaos and determinism: classical billiards and chaotic billiards, logistic maps; Lyapunov exponents.
- Models of evolution - mixed (prey-predator models: stochastic and deterministic version; genetic algorithms)
Ultime modifiche: martedì, 17 settembre 2024, 10:02