library(arm) library(foreign) library(R2WinBUGS) library(rstanarm) library(rstan) ######################### # 1) LOGISTIC REGRESSION ######################## ## 1992 polls source("4.7_Fitting a series of regressions.R") # where data was cleaned; set the directory to be where this file is yr <- 1992 ok <- nes.year==yr & presvote<3 vote <- presvote[ok] - 1 income <- data$income[ok] # Estimation with glm fit.1 <- glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="logit")) display(fit.1) # Graph figure 5.1 (a) e 5.2 (b) dal Gelman e Hill (2007) pdf(file="1992plots.pdf", width=9, height =6) par(mfrow=c(1,2)) curve (invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*x), 1, 5, ylim=c(-.01,1.01), xlim=c(-2,8), xaxt="n", xaxs="i", mgp=c(2,.5,0), ylab="Pr (Republican vote)", xlab="Income", lwd=4, main ="Fitted logistic vs income") curve (invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*x), -2, 8, lwd=.5, add=T) axis (1, 1:5, mgp=c(2,.5,0)) mtext ("(poor)", 1, 1.5, at=1, adj=.5) mtext ("(rich)", 1, 1.5, at=5, adj=.5) points (jitter (income, .5), jitter (vote, .08), pch=20, cex=.1) curve (invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*x), -15, 15, ylim=c(0,1.01), xlim=c(-15,15), xaxt="n", xaxs="i", mgp=c(2,.5,0), ylab="Pr (Republican vote)", xlab="Income", lwd=2, main = expression(logit^-1*(-1.4+0.44*x))) segments(4.3, -0.2, 4.2, invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*4.2), lty=3) segments(-15, invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*4.2), 4.2, invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*4.2), lty =3) text(4.3, invlogit(fit.1$coef[1] + fit.1$coef[2]*4.2)+0.05, "Halfway point: 1.44/0.33 = 4.2") # stan model (rstan package) data_1992 <- list(N = 1179, vote = vote[], income = income[]) fit.rstan <- stan('1992polls.stan', data = data_1992, iter =2000, chains =4) print(fit.rstan) # stan_glm noninformative fit.2 <- stan_glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior=normal(0, 100), prior_intercept=normal(0,100)) print(fit.2) # stan_glm weakly informative fit.3 <- stan_glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior=normal(0, 2.5), prior_intercept=normal(0,10)) print(fit.3) # stan_glm probit fit.4 <- stan_glm (vote ~ income, family=binomial(link="probit"), prior=normal(0, 2.5), prior_intercept=normal(0,10)) print(fit.4) ## Separation n <- 100 x1 <- rnorm (n) x2 <- rbinom (n, 1, .5) b0 <- 1 b1 <- 1.5 b2 <- 2 y <- rbinom (n, 1, invlogit(b0+b1*x1+b2*x2)) M1 <- glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit")) display (M1) M2 <- stan_glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior=normal(0,100), prior_intercept = normal(0,100)) print(M2) # just a test: this should be very close to classical logit M3 <- stan_glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit")) print(M3) # default normal prior with scale 2.5 logit <- function(x, b0, b1, b2, ind){ 1/(1+exp(-(b0+ b1*x + b2*ind))) } pdf(file="regr_log_1.pdf", width=10, height =7) par(mfrow=c(1,1),xaxt="n", yaxt="n", mar=c(5,5,3,1)) curve(logit(x, b0 = M1$coefficients[1], b1 = M1$coefficients[2], b2 = M1$coefficients[3], ind = 0), xlim=c(min(x1)-3, max(x1)+1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, main= "Dataset 1", cex.lab =2, cex.main =2) curve(logit(x, b0 = M2$coefficients[1], b1 = M2$coefficients[2], b2 = M2$coefficients[3], ind = 0), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, col="red", add = TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M3$coefficients[1], b1 = M3$coefficients[2], b2 = M3$coefficients[3], ind = 0), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, col="blue", add = TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M1$coefficients[1], b1 = M1$coefficients[2], b2 = M1$coefficients[3], ind = 1), xlim=c(min(x1)-2, max(x1)+1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, main= "x2=1", cex.lab =2, cex.main =2, lty =2, add =TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M2$coefficients[1], b1 = M2$coefficients[2], b2 = M2$coefficients[3], ind = 1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, col="red", add = TRUE, lty =2) curve(logit(x, b0 = M3$coefficients[1], b1 = M3$coefficients[2], b2 = M3$coefficients[3], ind = 1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, col="blue", add = TRUE, lty =2) par(xaxt="s", yaxt="s") axis(1, cex.axis =1.7) axis(2, cex.axis=1.7) legend(0, 0.4, lty =1, lwd=3, col=c("black", "red", "blue"), c("classical", "Normal(0,100^2)", "Normal(0,2.5^2)"), cex =1.9) text(-2, 0.87, "x2=1", cex= 1.9) text(-0.7, 0.2, "x2=0", cex=1.9) # Create separation: set y=1 whenever x2=1 # Now it should blow up without the prior! y <- ifelse (x2==1, 1, y) M1 <- glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit")) display (M1) M2 <- stan_glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior=normal(0,100), prior_intercept=normal(0,100)) # Same as M1 print(M2) M3 <- stan_glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit")) print(M3) M4 <- stan_glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior=normal(0,2.5), prior_intercept=normal(0,10)) # Same as M3 print(M4) M5 <- stan_glm (y ~ x1 + x2, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior=cauchy(0,2.5), prior_intercept = cauchy(0,10)) print(M5) logit <- function(x, b0, b1, b2, ind){ 1/(1+exp(-(b0+ b1*x + b2*ind))) } pdf(file="regr_log_2.pdf", width=10, height =7) par(xaxt="n", yaxt="n", mar=c(5,5,3,1)) curve(logit(x, b0 = M1$coefficients[1], b1 = M1$coefficients[2], b2 = M1$coefficients[3], ind = 0), xlim=c(min(x1)-9, max(x1)+3.2), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, main= "Dataset 2", cex.lab =2, cex.main =2) curve(logit(x, b0 = M2$coefficients[1], b1 = M2$coefficients[2], b2 = M2$coefficients[3], ind = 0), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, col="red", add = TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M3$coefficients[1], b1 = M3$coefficients[2], b2 = M3$coefficients[3], ind = 0), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, col="blue", add = TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M5$coefficients[1], b1 = M5$coefficients[2], b2 = M5$coefficients[3], ind = 0), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 3, col="darkgreen", add = TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M1$coefficients[1], b1 = M1$coefficients[2], b2 = M1$coefficients[3], ind = 1), xlim=c(min(x1)-2, max(x1)+1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, main= "x2=1", cex.lab =2, cex.main =2, lty =2, add =TRUE) curve(logit(x, b0 = M2$coefficients[1], b1 = M2$coefficients[2], b2 = M2$coefficients[3], ind = 1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, col="red", add = TRUE, lty =2) curve(logit(x, b0 = M3$coefficients[1], b1 = M3$coefficients[2], b2 = M3$coefficients[3], ind = 1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, col="blue", add = TRUE, lty =2) curve(logit(x, b0 = M5$coefficients[1], b1 = M5$coefficients[2], b2 = M5$coefficients[3], ind = 1), ylim =c(0,1), ylab ="logit", xlab ="x1", lwd = 4, col="darkgreen", add = TRUE, lty=2) par(xaxt="s", yaxt="s") axis(1, cex.axis =1.7) axis(2, cex.axis=1.7) legend(-1, 0.4, lty =1, lwd=3, col=c("black", "red", "blue", "darkgreen"), c("classical", "Normal(0,100^2)", "Normal(0,2.5^2)", "Cauchy(0,2.5)"), cex =1.9) text(-7, 0.89, "x2=1", cex= 1.9) text(0.5, 0.6, "x2=0", cex=1.9) # bayesglm with gaussian family (bayes lm) sigma <- 5 y2 <- rnorm (n, b0+b1*x1+b2*x2, sigma) M7 <- bayesglm (y2 ~ x1 + x2, prior.scale=Inf, prior.df=Inf) display (M7) # bayesglm with categorical variables z1 <- trunc(runif(n, 4, 9)) levels(factor(z1)) z2 <- trunc(runif(n, 15, 19)) levels(factor(z2)) ## drop the base level (R default) M8 <- bayesglm (y ~ x1 + factor(z1) + factor(z2), family=binomial(link="logit"), prior.scale=2.5, prior.df=Inf) display (M8) ## keep all levels with the intercept, keep the variable order M9 <- bayesglm (y ~ x1 + x1:x2 + factor(z1) + x2 + factor(z2), family=binomial(link="logit"), prior.mean=rep(0,12), prior.scale=rep(2.5,12), prior.df=rep(Inf,12), prior.mean.for.intercept=0, prior.scale.for.intercept=10, prior.df.for.intercept=1, drop.baseline=FALSE, keep.order=TRUE) display (M9) ## keep all levels without the intercept M10 <- bayesglm (y ~ x1 + factor(z1) + x1:x2 + factor(z2)-1, family=binomial(link="logit"), prior.mean=rep(0,11), prior.scale=rep(2.5,11), prior.df=rep(Inf,11), drop.baseline=FALSE) display (M10) ########################### # 2) Probit regression ########################### #comparison logit probit logistic <- function(x){ return(dlogis(x, 0,1)) } probit <- function(x){ return(dnorm(x, sd =1.6)) } pdf(file="logit_probit.pdf", width=9.1, height =6) par(mar=c(5,5,2,1)) curve(logistic(x), -6,6, col="red", lwd =2, cex.lab=2) curve(probit(x), -6,6, col="blue", add =TRUE, lwd =2) legend(2.2, 0.2, lwd=3, col =c("red", "blue"), c("Logit", "Probit (sd =1.6)"), cex =1.3) ####################################### # 3) Poisson regression (Jonah example) ###################################### library(ggplot2) library(rstanarm) library(bayesplot) pest_data <- readRDS('pest_data.RDS') str(pest_data) N_buildings <- length(unique(pest_data$building_id)) N_buildings #à preliminary plots ggplot(pest_data, aes(x = complaints)) + geom_bar() ggsave(file="hist_pest.pdf", width=8,height=6) ggplot(pest_data, aes(x = traps, y = complaints, color = live_in_super == TRUE)) + geom_jitter() y <- pest_data$complaints x <- pest_data$traps M_pois <- stan_glm(y~x, family=poisson(link="log")) print(M_pois) library(bayesplot) ## posterior plots mcmc_hist(as.matrix(M_pois))+ xaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ yaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=14,face="bold"))+ legend_text(size=rel(12)) ggsave(file="hist_pest_post.pdf", width=8,height=6) mcmc_scatter(as.matrix(M_pois), alpha = 0.2)+ xaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ yaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=19,face="bold")) ggsave(file="scatter_pest_post.pdf", width =8, height =6) # extending the model (offset) exposure <- log(pest_data$total_sq_foot/1e4) M_pois_exposure <- stan_glm(y~x+offset(exposure), family=poisson(link="log")) print(M_pois_exposure) # overdispersion pdf("poiss_negbin.pdf", width=6, height =5) k<-0.5; sub<-substitute(x, list(x=k)) plot(0:10, dnbinom(0:10, size=k,mu=2), xlab="Y", main = bquote(psi==.(sub)), ylab="f(y)",pch=21, bg=1, type="h", ylim =c(0,0.5), lwd=3, cex.main =2, cex.lab=1.7) points(0.2:10.2, dpois(0:10,2), col="red", pch=21, bg=1, type="h", lwd=3) legend(4.3, 0.4, lty=1, lwd=3,col=c("black", "red"), c( "Neg. Binomial", "Poisson"), cex=1.4) pdf("poiss_negbin2.pdf", width=6, height =5) k<-10; sub<-substitute(x, list(x=k)) plot(0:10, dnbinom(0:10, size=k,mu=2), xlab="Y", main = bquote(psi==.(sub)), ylab="f(y)",pch=21, bg=1, type="h", ylim =c(0,0.5), lwd=3, cex.main =2, cex.lab=1.7) points(0.2:10.2, dpois(0:10,2), col="red", pch=21, bg=1, type="h", lwd=3) legend(4.3, 0.4, lty=1, lwd=3,col=c("black", "red"), c( "Neg. Binomial", "Poisson"), cex=1.4) M_negbin <- stan_glm(y ~ x, family =neg_binomial_2(link="log")) print(M_negbin) M_negbin_exposure <- stan_glm(y ~ x, family =neg_binomial_2(link="log"), offset=exposure) mcmc_hist(as.matrix(M_negbin_exposure))+ xaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ yaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=14,face="bold"))+ legend_text(size=rel(12)) ggsave(file="hist_pest_post_negbin.pdf", width=11.3,height=7) mcmc_scatter(as.matrix(M_pois_rstan), alpha = 0.2)+ xaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ yaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=19,face="bold")) ggsave(file="scatter_pest_post_negbin.pdf", width =8, height =6) print(M_negbin_exposure) # residuals nsims <- 10^2 y_rep <- matrix(NA, nsims, length(y)) lambda <- exp(as.double(M_negbin_exposure$coefficients[1])+ as.double( M_negbin_exposure$coefficients[2] )*x+ exposure) inv_phi <- M_negbin_exposure$stan_summary[3,1] inv_phi_vec <- c() for (n in 1:nsims){ y_rep[n,] <- rnbinom(length(y), mu=lambda, size= 1/inv_phi) M_temp <- stan_glm(y_rep[n,] ~ x, family =neg_binomial_2(link="log"), offset=exposure) inv_phi_vec[n] <- as.double(M_temp$stan_summary[3,1]) } mean_inv_phi <- mean(inv_phi_vec) y_rep <- colMeans(y_rep) std_resid <- (y - y_rep) / sqrt(y_rep + y_rep^2*mean_inv_phi) qplot(y_rep, std_resid) + hline_at(2) + hline_at(-2)+ xaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ yaxis_text(on =TRUE, size=rel(1.9))+ theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=19,face="bold")) ggsave(file="stand_res_pest.pdf", width=9, height=6)