
Randomization is a design technique to ensure the comparability of treatment groups in clinical trials by introducing a deliberate element of chance. First of all, it tends to balance known and unknown covariates and, thus, to produce structural equality of the treatment groups (exchangeability). Second, by ensuring effective blinding of treatment allocations from investigators and patients, randomization helps to avoid bias caused by the selection of patients. Finally, randomization contributes to the internal validity of a trial that provides the basis for statistical inference (and the estimation of causal effects in the population). The randomization concept was firstly introduced by R. A. Fisher in his classic book “The Design of Experiments” (1935). The importance of randomization for clinical trials was first noted in the 1940s by the epidemiologist Sir A. Bradford Hill who realized that successful blinding of treatment allocations was impossible without randomization. Since that time, regulators have advocated the use of randomization in their guidelines and several different randomization procedures have been proposed in the literature. It has been noticed that different randomization procedures behave differently, e.g., concerning their susceptibility to bias and their potential to control power and type-I-error probability. An overview containing the latest developments can be found in Rosenberger and Lachin (2016).

We will use here the R library randomizr to illustrate some basic examples of randomization procedures.

Install and then load the required library:


There are two main purposes for the generation of randomization sequences. 1. The first purpose is the generation of a single sequence for the allocation of patients in a clinical trial. 2. The second purpose is the generation of multiple sequences in order to assess the statistical properties of a randomization procedure.

A hypothetical experiment

Suppose that we are conducting an experiment among the 592 individuals in the built-in HairEyeColor dataset. As we’ll see, there are many ways to randomly assign subjects to treatments. We’ll step through three common designs, each associated with one of the five randomizr functions: simple_ra(), complete_ra(), block_ra(). [Not covered here: cluster_ra(), and block_and_cluster_ra().]

We first need to transform the dataset, which has each row describe a type of subject, to a new dataset in which each row describes an individual subject.

# Load built-in dataset
HairEyeColor <- data.frame(HairEyeColor)
##    Hair   Eye  Sex Freq
## 1 Black Brown Male   32
## 2 Brown Brown Male   53
## 3   Red Brown Male   10
## 4 Blond Brown Male    3
## 5 Black  Blue Male   11
## 6 Brown  Blue Male   50
## [1] 32  4
# Transform so each row is a subject
# Columns describe subject's hair color, eye color, and gender
hec <- HairEyeColor[rep(1:nrow(HairEyeColor),
                        times = HairEyeColor$Freq), 1:3]

N <- nrow(hec)

# Fix the rownames
rownames(hec) <- NULL
##    Hair   Eye  Sex
## 1 Black Brown Male
## 2 Black Brown Male
## 3 Black Brown Male
## 4 Black Brown Male
## 5 Black Brown Male
## 6 Black Brown Male
## [1] 592   3

Typically, researchers know some basic information about their subjects before deploying treatment. For example, they usually know how many subjects there are in the study population (N), and they usually know some basic demographic information about each subject.

Our new dataset has 592 subjects. We have three pre-treatment covariates, Hair, Eye, and Sex, which describe the hair color, eye color, and gender of each subject.

For didactic purposes, we now will create simulated potential outcomes.

We’ll call the untreated outcome Y0 and we’ll call the treated outcome Y1.

Imagine that in the absence of any intervention, the outcome (Y0) is correlated with our pre-treatment covariates.

Imagine further that the effectiveness of the intervention also varies according to these covariates, i.e., the difference between Y1 and Y0 is correlated with the pre-treatment covariates.

If we were really running an experiment, we would only observe either Y0 or Y1 for each subject, but since we are simulating, we generate both.

Our inferential target is the average treatment effect (ATE), which is defined as the average difference between Y0 and Y1.

# Set a the random seed for reproducibility

# Create untreated and treated outcomes for all subjects
hec <- within(hec,{
  Y0 <- rnorm(n = N,mean = (2*as.numeric(Hair) + -4*as.numeric(Eye) + -6*as.numeric(Sex)), sd = 5)
  Y1 <- Y0 + 6*as.numeric(Hair) + 4*as.numeric(Eye) + 2*as.numeric(Sex)

hist(hec$Y0, xlab="Potential Outcome Score if untreated")

hist(hec$Y1, xlab="Potential Outcome Score if treated")

hist(hec$Y1-hec$Y0, xlab="Distribution of potential outcomes differences")
abline(v=25.26, col="red", lwd=2)

# Calculate the true ATE
with(hec, mean(Y1 - Y0))
## [1] 25.26351

Therefore, the ATE on the population is 25.26 : imagine for example that the intervention is aimed to improve a certain score of “self-confidence” and in this example there is an average improvement in the score in the treated of 25.26 units with respect to the untreated. This comes from an ideal experiment : treating all subjects vs not treating all subjects ! We are now ready to randomly allocate treatment assignments to subjects. Let’s start by contrasting simple and complete random assignment.

Simple random assignment

Simple random assignment assigns all subjects to treatment with an equal probability by flipping a (possibly weighted) coin for each subject. The main trouble with simple random assignment is that the number of subjects assigned to treatment is itself a random number - depending on the random assignment, therefore a different number of subjects might be assigned to each group.

The simple_ra() function has one required argument N, the total number of subjects. If no other arguments are specified, simple_ra() assumes a two-group design and a 0.50 probability of assignment.

Z <- simple_ra(N = N)
## Z
##   0   1 
## 301 291

To change the probability of assignment (i.e. using a weighted coin), you should specify the prob argument:

Z <- simple_ra(N = N, prob = 0.30)
## Z
##   0   1 
## 402 190

If you specify num_arms without changing prob_each, simple_ra() will assume equal probabilities across all arms.

Z <- simple_ra(N = N, num_arms = 3)
## Z
##  T1  T2  T3 
## 191 215 186

You can also just specify the specific probabilities of your multiple arms. These probabilities must sum to 1.

Z <- simple_ra(N = N, prob_each = c(.2, .2, .6))
## Z
##  T1  T2  T3 
## 118 119 355

You can also name your treatment arms.

Z <- simple_ra(N = N, prob_each = c(.2, .2, .6),
               conditions=c("control", "placebo", "treatment"))
## Z
##   control   placebo treatment 
##       132       108       352

Complete random assignment

Complete random assignment is very similar to simple random assignment, except that the researcher can specify exactly how many units are assigned to each condition.

The syntax for complete_ra() is very similar to that of simple_ra(). The argument m is the number of units assigned to treatment in two-arm designs; it is analogous to simple_ra()’s prob. Similarly, the argument m_each is analogous to prob_each.

If you only specify N, complete_ra() assigns exactly half of the subjects to treatment.

Z <- complete_ra(N = N)
## Z
##   0   1 
## 296 296

To change the number of units assigned, specify the m argument:

Z <- complete_ra(N = N, m = 200)
## Z
##   0   1 
## 392 200

If you specify multiple arms, complete_ra() will assign an equal (within rounding!) number of units to treatment.

Z <- complete_ra(N = N, num_arms = 3)
## Z
##  T1  T2  T3 
## 197 198 197

You can also specify exactly how many units should be assigned to each arm. The total of m_each must equal N.

Z <- complete_ra(N = N, m_each = c(100, 200, 292))
## Z
##  T1  T2  T3 
## 100 200 292

You can also name your treatment arms:

Z <- complete_ra(N = N, m_each = c(100, 200, 292),
               conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment"))
## Z
##   control   placebo treatment 
##       100       200       292

Stratified random assignment

Stratified random assignment is a powerful tool when used well. In this design, subjects are sorted into strata (usually according to their pre-treatment covariates), and then complete random assignment is conducted within each stratum. For example, a researcher might stratify on gender, assigning exactly half of the men and exactly half of the women to treatment.

Why stratify ?

The first reason is related to treatment effect heterogeneity (HTE): is the treatment effect different for men versus women? Of course, such heterogeneity could be also explored if complete random assignment had been used, but stratifying on a covariate defends a researcher (somewhat) against claims of data dredging.

The second reason is to increase precision. If the stratifying variables are associated with the outcome, then strata may help to decrease sampling variability.

It’s important, however, not to overstate these advantages. The gains from a stratified design can often be realized through covariate adjustment alone.

Stratifying can also produce some complications for estimation. For example, it can produce different probabilities of assignment for different subjects, related to their characteristics. This complication is typically addressed in one of two ways: “controlling for strata” in a regression context, or the use of inverse probability weights (IPW), in which units are weighted by the inverse of the probability that the unit is in the condition that it is in (see for more details examples in block 3).

In the R library the word “block” is used in place of “stratum”. I think this name could be confused with block randomization that instead is not the topic of this function (to explore block randomization see the package

The only required argument to block_ra() is blocks, which is a vector of length N that describes which block (strata) a unit belongs to. Blocks (strata) can be a factor, character, or numeric variable. If no other arguments are specified, block_ra() assigns an approximately equal proportion of each block to treatment.

Z <- block_ra(blocks = hec$Hair)
table(Z, hec$Hair)
## Z   Black Brown Red Blond
##   0    54   143  35    64
##   1    54   143  36    63

For multiple treatment arms, use the num_arms argument, with or without the conditions argument:

Z <- block_ra(blocks = hec$Hair, num_arms = 3)
table(Z, hec$Hair)
## Z    Black Brown Red Blond
##   T1    36    95  24    43
##   T2    36    96  23    42
##   T3    36    95  24    42
Z <- block_ra(blocks = hec$Hair, conditions = c("Control", "Placebo", "Treatment"))
table(Z, hec$Hair)
## Z           Black Brown Red Blond
##   Control      36    95  23    42
##   Placebo      36    96  24    43
##   Treatment    36    95  24    42

block_ra() provides a number of ways to adjust the number of subjects assigned to each conditions. The prob_each argument describes what proportion of each block should be assigned to treatment arm. Note of course, that block_ra() still uses complete random assignment within each block; the appropriate number of units to assign to treatment within each block is automatically determined.

Z <- block_ra(blocks = hec$Hair, prob_each = c(.3, .7))
table(Z, hec$Hair)
## Z   Black Brown Red Blond
##   0    32    86  21    38
##   1    76   200  50    89

For finer control, use the block_m_each argument, which takes a matrix with as many rows as there are blocks, and as many columns as there are treatment conditions. Remember that the rows are in the same order as sort(unique(blocks)), a command that is good to run before constructing a block_m_each matrix.

## [1] Black Brown Red   Blond
## Levels: Black Brown Red Blond
block_m_each <- rbind(c(78, 30),
                      c(186, 100),
                      c(51, 20),

##      [,1] [,2]
## [1,]   78   30
## [2,]  186  100
## [3,]   51   20
## [4,]   87   40
Z <- block_ra(blocks = hec$Hair, block_m_each = block_m_each)
table(Z, hec$Hair)
## Z   Black Brown Red Blond
##   0    78   186  51    87
##   1    30   100  20    40

How to create blocks? In the HairEyeColor dataset, we could make blocks for each unique combination of hair color, eye color, and sex.

blocks <- with(hec, paste(Hair, Eye, Sex, sep = "_"))
Z <- block_ra(blocks = blocks)
head(table(blocks, Z))
##                     Z
## blocks                0  1
##   Black_Blue_Female   4  5
##   Black_Blue_Male     5  6
##   Black_Brown_Female 18 18
##   Black_Brown_Male   16 16
##   Black_Green_Female  1  1
##   Black_Green_Male    2  1

Save your random assignment

Whenever you conduct a random assignment for use in an experiment, save it! At a minimum, the random assignment should be saved with an id variable in a csv.

hec <- within(hec,{
  Z_blocked <- complete_ra(N = N, m_each = c(100, 200, 292),
               conditions = c("control", "placebo", "treatment"))
  id_var <- 1:nrow(hec)
write.csv(hec[,c("id_var", "Z_blocked")], file = "C:\\Users\\Giulia Barbati\\OneDrive - Università degli Studi di Trieste\\Stat_Learning_Epi\\Block 2\\R codes\\MyRandomAssignment.csv")

Note that there are many others package that can be used to perform randomization procedures in R:

Estimating causal effects

Let’s now conduct a small simulation with our HairEyeColor dataset, in order to obtain a distribution of ATE estimates under both simple and complete random assignment: remember that the true effect that we previously obtained was 25.26.

sims <- 1000

# Set up empty vectors to collect results
simple_ests    <- rep(NA, sims)
complete_ests  <- rep(NA, sims)

# Loop through simulation 2000 times
for(i in 1:sims){
  hec <- within(hec,{
    # Conduct both kinds of random assignment
    Z_simple    <- simple_ra(N = N)
    Z_complete  <- complete_ra(N = N)
    # Define the observed outcomes
    Y_simple    <- Y1*Z_simple + Y0*(1-Z_simple)
    Y_complete  <- Y1*Z_complete + Y0*(1-Z_complete)
  # Estimate ATE under both types of randomization
  fit_simple   <- lm(Y_simple ~ Z_simple, data=hec)
  fit_complete <- lm(Y_complete ~ Z_complete, data=hec)
  # Save the estimates
  simple_ests[i]   <- coef(fit_simple)[2]
  complete_ests[i] <- coef(fit_complete)[2]
## [1] 25.24697
## [1] 25.27613

As we expect from randomized assignment, we obtain ATE estimates consistent with the true one.

Since we are statisticians and we always want to have a look to the variability across these estimates, let’s do it. This simulation allows us to measure the standard error directly, since the vectors simple_ests and complete_ests describe the sampling distribution of each design. (In this case, the standard deviation is the standard error of the sampling distribution of the estimator).

## [1] 0.6032299
## [1] 0.604826

Therefore we can also evaluate the 95% confidence intervals around estimates using the normal approximation as:

c(mean(simple_ests)- 1.96*sd(simple_ests), mean(simple_ests)+ 1.96*sd(simple_ests))
## [1] 24.06464 26.42930
## [1] 24.09067 26.46159

Therefore we have obtained in both cases unbiased estimator of the true ATE ! Nice work done by the randomization process that we applied.


Fisher, R. A. (1935). The design of experiments. Oliver & Boyd.

Armitage P (1982). “The Role of Randomization in Clinical Trials.” Statistics in Medicine, 1(4), 345-352. doi:10.1002/sim.4780010412.

Chalmers I (1999). “Why Transition from Alternation to Randomisation in Clinical Trials Was Made.” BMJ, 319(7221), 1372. doi:10.1136/bmj.319.7221.1372.

ICH E9 (1998). “Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials.” Current version dated 1998-02-05. Last access 2014-09-01., URL

Rosenberger WF, Lachin JM (2016). Randomization in Clinical Trials: Theory and Practice. John Wiley & Sons. doi:10.1002/9781118742112.