Supplementary material: estimating a marginal effect from a regression model with an interaction

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Let’s simulate the data : first of all set the parameters of the data generating mechanism:

n.obs = 10000 #set sample size 
#---- True parameters in outcome model  

b0 = 60 
b1 = 5 
b2 = -0.3 
b3 = -0.1 
b4 = 8 
b5 = 3 
b6 = 2

#---- True parameters in exposure odds model

g0 = log(0.20/(1-0.20)) 
g1 = log(1.01) 
g2 = log(1.005) 
g3 = log(0.6) 
g4 = log(0.5) 
g5 = log(0.8)

#Function to compute outcome values
## Use the parameters specified above

mean_out <- function(C1, C2, C3, exposure){
b0 + b1*exposure + b2*C1 + b3*I(C1^2) + b4*C2 + b5*C3 + b6*exposure*C2 + rnorm(n = n.obs, mean = 0, sd = 5)

# Function to compute exposure probabilities 
## Use the parameters specified above

prob_exp <- function(C1, C2, C3){
exp(g0 + g1*C1 + g2*I(C1^2) + g3*C2 + g4*C3 + g5*C2*C3)/(1 + exp(g0 + g1*C1+ g2*I(C1^2) + g3*C2 + g4*C3 + g5*C2*C3))

Now simulate the dataset :

df.sim <- tibble("ID" = seq(from = 1, to = n.obs, by = 1),
"C1" = rnorm(n = n.obs, mean = 0, sd = 5),
"C2" = rbinom(n = n.obs, size = 1, p = 0.4),
"C3" = rbinom(n = n.obs, size = 1, p = 0.3),
"Pexposure" = prob_exp(C1, C2, C3),
"Exposure" = rbinom(n = n.obs, size = 1,prob = Pexposure),
"Outcome" = as.numeric(mean_out(C1,C2,C3, Exposure)))

## # A tibble: 6 × 7
##      ID    C1    C2    C3 Pexposure Exposure Outcome
##   <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int>  <I<dbl>>    <int>   <dbl>
## 1     1  6.31     0     0     0.245        0    55.7
## 2     2 -1.63     0     0     0.200        0    62.9
## 3     3  6.65     0     0     0.250        0    47.7
## 4     4  6.36     0     0     0.246        0    45.9
## 5     5  2.07     0     1     0.115        0    61.5
## 6     6 -7.70     0     0     0.237        1    65.9

In this simulated data, A is exposure, C1 is a continuous covariate, and C2 and C3 are binary covariates.

The true outcome model is specified as follows:


where eps is the error term normally distributed with variance set at 5^2.

The true causal effect of exposure A among those with C2 = 0 is b1=5. The true causal effect of exposure A among those with C2 = 1 is b1+b6=7.

The marginal effect of A is: 5x0.6+7x0.4=5.8 because 40% of the total population has C2 = 1.

# Correctly specified model
df.sim %>%
lm(Outcome ~ Exposure*C2 + C1 + I(C1^2) + C3, data = .) %>%
tidy( = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 7 × 7
##   term        estimate std.error statistic   p.value conf.low conf.high
##   <chr>          <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 (Intercept)   60.0     0.0875     686.   0           59.8     60.2   
## 2 Exposure       5.02    0.166       30.2  4.61e-192    4.69     5.34  
## 3 C2             8.10    0.112       72.4  0            7.88     8.32  
## 4 C1            -0.305   0.0101     -30.1  2.49e-190   -0.324   -0.285 
## 5 I(C1^2)       -0.100   0.00148    -67.8  0           -0.103   -0.0972
## 6 C3             2.94    0.111       26.5  4.31e-150    2.72     3.16  
## 7 Exposure:C2    1.93    0.294        6.56 5.77e- 11    1.35     2.51

The estimate for Exposure is 5.02. Note that this is an estimate of the conditional effect for C2=0 and it is identical to the true value because the model is correctly specified. The conditional effect for C2 = 1 is estimated to be 5.02 + 1.93 = 6.95, which again is nearly identical to the true parameter b1+b6=7.

One can now standardize the conditional effect estimates from the correctly specified multivariable regression model to get an estimate of a marginal effect:

# Make copies of original data 

df.sim.a1 <- df.sim %>% mutate(Outcome = NA, Exposure = 1) #Assign Exposure = 1 to everyone 
df.sim.a0 <- df.sim %>% mutate(Outcome = NA, Exposure = 0) #Assign Exposure = 0 to everyone 
df.sim.combined <- bind_rows(df.sim.a1,df.sim.a0)
# Fit an outcome model to the original data 
## Correctly specified model <- df.sim %>% lm(Outcome ~ Exposure*C2 + C1 + I(C1^2) + C3, data = .) 
# Predict outcome values using the copied datasets 
df.sim.combined$pred <- predict(, newdata = df.sim.combined) 
# ATE Estimate: difference between mean predicted values for rows with A=1 and mean predicted values for rows with A = 0 
df.sim.combined %>% group_by(Exposure) %>% summarise( mean.Y = mean(pred) ) %>% 
  pivot_wider( names_from = Exposure, names_glue = "mean.Y.{Exposure}", values_from = mean.Y ) %>% 
  mutate(ATE = mean.Y.1-mean.Y.0)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
##   mean.Y.0 mean.Y.1   ATE
##      <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
## 1     61.6     67.4  5.78

The resulting estimate of a marginal effect is 5.78 — this is a consistent estimate of the true marginal effect of 5.8.

Confidence intervals for the standardized estimate can be obtained via bootstrapping:

standardization.boot <- function(data, indices){ 
  df <- data[indices,] 
  df.a1 <- df %>%
           mutate(Outcome = NA, Exposure = 1)
  df.a0 <- df %>% 
           mutate(Outcome = NA, Exposure = 0) 
  df.combined <- bind_rows(df.a1,df.a0) <- df %>% 
    lm(Outcome ~ Exposure*C2 + C1 + I(C1^2) + C3, data = .) 
  df.combined$pred <- predict(, newdata = df.combined) 
  output <- df.combined %>% 
    group_by(Exposure) %>% 
      mean.Y = mean(pred)) %>% 
      names_from = Exposure, 
      names_glue = "mean.Y.{Exposure}", 
      values_from = mean.Y 
      ) %>% 
      ATE = mean.Y.1-mean.Y.0 

# bootstrap

standardization.results <- boot(data=df.sim, statistic=standardization.boot, R=100) 
# 100 bootstrapped samples

# generating confidence intervals <- sd(standardization.results$t) # get empirical standard error estimate 
estimate    <- standardization.results$t0 
ll <- estimate - qnorm(0.975)* # normal approximation 
ul <- estimate + qnorm(0.975)* 

data.frame(cbind(estimate,, ll, ul))
##   estimate      ll       ul
## 1 5.782279    0.1425789 5.50283 6.061729