Schema della sezione

    • The results of the first assignment

    • An installation guide to the Python libraries required for the hands-on lesson

      Note that these instructions have been updated because the original ones weren't working for some of the students.

    • A test of the Plotly Python library

    • A test of the Dash Python library

    • The importance of color. Color perception: the anatomy and physiology of the human eye, the trichromatic theory and the opponent processing theory. Color specification with color spaces RGB and HSL, CIE Lab and HCL. Demonstrations using various color pickers. Intuitivity and perceptual uniformity of each space. Use of color. Sequential color maps. Issues with the rainbow color map. Alternative sequential color maps (including cubehelix). Diverging and categorical color maps. The desired properties of univariate color maps. Bivariate color maps. Using established color maps (colorbrewer) or constructing new ones. The semantics of color. Considerations for colorblind people. The importance of size and contrast. The importance of background and surrounding colors. Advice on choosing colors.