Schema della sezione

  • Science Diplomacy (SD) is an increasingly important tool in the foreign policy portfolio of the EU, which has made significant investments on this domain. This lesson assesses what SD activities are implemented in the EU and describes the current developments in this policy field on the EU level, to examine whether and how an EU strategy for SD can be organized and implemented.

    • This resource includes a link to the videorecording of Lesson 3:

    • This resource includes:

      • Handouts of the PowerPoint slides;
      • Suggested readings:

        Young, M. and Ravinet, P. (2022). Knowledge power Europe, Journal of European Integration. [open access, click on the link to access the file].

        Müller, J.M. and Bona, M. (2018). Past, Present, and Future of Science Diplomacy in Europe.  Science & Diplomacy, Vol. 7, No. 3. [open access, click on the link to access the file].