Section outline

    • Il 23 maggio 1766 il British Board of Longitude sequestra gli orologi marini di John Harrison, prossimo alla soluzione del problema della longitudine - con Massimo Pinto. Repertori: Moby Dick, la balena bianca, film del 1956 diretto da John Huston, Rai Tre 1/1/2005, Archivio Rai; Museo della scienza di Firenze, Istituto Luce, 1993. Massimo Pinto (23 maggio 2022)

    • Frank M. Snowden, Andrew Downey Orrick professor emeritus of history and history of medicine at Yale University, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss how epidemics have shaped world history. Snowden’s most recent book, which was released in October 2019, is Epidemics and Society: From the Black Death to the Present.

    • The Global History Podcast is an educational show designed for students, teachers, and anyone interested in the early modern world. We are dedicated to sharing histories both early modern and global, from approximately the 16th to the early 19th centuries. The podcast will explore various themes in global history, focusing on the networks of people, trade, ideas, and commodities that connected distant continents in the age of sail. The stories we want to tell here speak to the meeting of worlds – a Baroque opera sung in a Mesoamerican dialect, a Christian figurine sculpted to look like a Chinese goddess, a geographical treatise informed by both European humanism and Malay legends – the cross-cultural encounters that shaped early modernity.[...]

    • This course consists of an international analysis of the impact of epidemic diseases on western society and culture from the bubonic plague to HIV/AIDS and the recent experience of SARS and swine flu. Leading themes include: infectious disease and its impact on society; the development of public health measures; the role of medical ethics; the genre of plague literature; the social reactions of mass hysteria and violence; the rise of the germ theory of disease; the development of tropical medicine; a comparison of the social, cultural, and historical impact of major infectious diseases; and the issue of emerging and re-emerging diseases.

    • Come ha fatto un agente del KGB a diventare l'uomo che ha portato il mondo sull'orlo della terza guerra mondiale? Per capirlo è necessario ripercorrere la sua storia, dall'infanzia a Leningrado alla fine della guerra fredda, fino alla folle decisione di attaccare l'Ucraina. Enrico Franceschini per anni è stato corrispondente da Mosca, dove era arrivato nel 1990. Da lì ha assistito all'ascesa di Putin e in questo podcast racconta la sua storia.

    • Since 2009, the IHR has produced over 800 podcasts, encompassing not only our acclaimed seminar series, but also public talks and specialist conferences. A sample of these recordings are now freely available to stream or download.