Section outline

    • Opened: Friday, 11 October 2024, 8:15 AM
      Closed: Tuesday, 15 October 2024, 2:00 PM

      Ho sostenuto la prova del modulo di Lingua inglese I - CIAPG il giorno 17 settembre 2024.
      Dopo aver preso visione del voto pubblicato su Esse3, di seguito dichiaro di voler rifiutare il voto. Il voto della prova verrà quindi annullato e non potrà essere fatto valere per la verbalizzazione del voto finale dell'esame di Lingua e traduzione inglese I - CIAPG.
      Sono consapevole del fatto che potrò sostenere nuovamente la prova nelle prossime sessioni d'esame.
      Attenzione: NON è possibile modificare la scelta.

    • As promised, I'm sharing again the syllabus together with an update on podcasts.

      Based on your concerns, I selected only two episodes from The Inquiry.
      I'm about to share two separate files, each with:
      - a link to episode
      - the transcript to the introducing and concluding parts of the episode
      - explicit reference to timings of the four different parts of each episode
      - a list of key points you should focus on
      "Focus on" means: be able to concisely report on them in writing, selecting strictly relevant information and using appropriate language (terminology, collocations, connectors).

      The exam will consist of a more traditional part on language issues (see doc "language matters" for reference) and a writing part (a short paragraph on topics related to the podcasts).
      Please do not hesitate to contact me in case of further questions.
      Kind regards

    • The Inquiry

      Can Europe solve its migrant crisis?

    • What’s the future of the Commonwealth under King Charles III?

    • Here the list of Units for the more linguistic part of the test.

      (links to online versions of the reference books elsewhere here on the moodle page of the course)