Lecture 16-17 - 03/12/24
Schema della sezione
Pashler, H., McDaniel, M., Rohrer, D., & Bjork, R. (2008). Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological science in the public interest, 9(3), 105-119.
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Adams N. B. (2004), Digital Intelligence Fostered by Technology, The Journal of Technology Studies, vol. XXX (2), 93-97, https://doi.org/10.21061/jots.v30i2.a.5
Gardner, H. (1987). The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Annals of Dyslexia, 37, 19–35
Boaler, J., Chen, L., Williams, C.M., & Cordero, M. (2016). Seeing as Understanding: The Importance of Visual Mathematics for our Brain and Learning. Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 5, 1-6.
Dehaene, S. (2020). How We Learn: The New Science of Education and the Brain. United Kingdom: Penguin Books Limited.
Zull J. E. (2004), The Art of Changing the Brain, Educational Leadership, Vol. 62(1), 68-72
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