2. Guide alle risorse online per gli studi storici
Section outline
Guide generali e guide tematiche
El Área de Historia de la Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes alberga un importante catálogo de autores, títulos, personajes, temas y otros materiales, como estudios críticos, publicaciones periódicas, tesis doctorales, fondos documentales de archivos, audios y vídeos sobre los distintos períodos históricos, desde la Antigüedad clásica a la época contemporánea en el ámbito de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales.
En los diferentes portales se puede consultar un amplio elenco de recursos como cronologías, bibliografías, galerías de imágenes y enlaces de interés
History on the Net features articles and podcast episodes on everything from Ancient Near East civilizations to 20th century global warfare. Topics covered include military history, diplomacy, everyday life, biographies, and schematics of fortifications—whether you’re looking for a medieval castle or World War I trench.
We also host the History Unplugged Podcast, the only show that dedicates episodes to both interviewing history experts and answering questions from its audience. First it features long-form interviews with best-selling authors who have written about everything from World War II generals who flew with airmen on bombing raids to presidents who gave their best speeches while drunk. Second, it features a call-in show where you can ask our resident historian (Scott Rank, PhD) absolutely anything (What was it like to be a Turkish sultan with 4 wives and 12 concubines? If you were sent back in time, how would you kill Hitler?).