Schema della sezione

    • Instructions for the final exam of Advanced Statistical Methods. For master students: check the official dates in the esse3 system and remind to register yourself. If you need another date other than the official one, please contact the professors by email.

      Master students

      1. The final exam is oral and focuses on the topics covered during the course. 
      2. The 'flavour' is not merely theoretical but also from a practitioner perspective. 
      3. The student could be asked to write some notes, equations, and explain some formulas. 
      4. To do the oral exam, the student must solve the practical project above (available around the end of the course) and send only the solved and compiled project in RMarkdown the professors via mail 2/3 days before the exam takes place: keep in mind that the student is free to choose the type of presentation (html, slides, pdf, power point). 
      5. The presentation should be 'self-contained' and include any relevant data analysis (plots, tables, equations, etc.)
      6. During the oral exam, the student will be asked to answer about some particular points related to the practical project. 

      PhD students 

      1. The final exam is oral. 
      2. To do the oral exam, the student must choose one among some scientific papers and prepare a presentation not exceeding 20 minutes: keep in mind that the student is free to choose the paper and the type of presentation (html, slides, pdf, power point).  There is no need to send us the presentation before the exam.
      3. The oral exam basically consists in a 20-minutes paper presentation (slides, html, pdf, power point).
      4. The exam day and the list of papers will be communicated by the professors via mail some weeks before