Section outline


    • put the file source.* in your account, adapt it, and before working: source source.*

      mkdir libsalva and put inside the library you need

    +catalogs dir in flashUSB or here at the end (ONLY FOR STUDENTS OF THE COURSE)
  • FITS FILES and software DS9 +HOMEWORK

    +fitsds9  and fitsds9HW 2directories in flashUSB (ONLY FOR STUDENTS OF THE COURSE) with:

    ***fitsds9.pdf (IMPORTANT!!! also hereafter in moodle)  to follow the lesson and the HW  (only to have a general idea of image processing) 

    riassuntoCCDriduzione.pdf (for data reduction, useful for the IRAF lessons and detailed explained by Prof. Cristiani)

    ***astr5110_practical4_v4.4.pdf  + many fits images (IMPORTANT!!! the basic stuff for the lesson)

    several fits (in fitsds9  ***several fits used also for other lessons, in fitsds9HW only for the homework)

    • Homework ds9 (come richiesto alla fine del fitsds9.pdf) Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Codice corso is SM23
  • software GAIA: visualization and astrometry + HOMEWORK

    photometry+HW with SN+HW(light curve of variable) - with the possibility of a LONG TERM HW too,

    Star/Gals classification

    +gaiaAstrom   +gaiaPhotom   in  flashUSB, hereafter main need  the .bashrc too

    HOMEWORK ASTROMETRY: pput coordinates on the image EFOSC....fits and give me the coordinates of the 3 objs pointed by circles in EFOSC.jpg

      Not available unless: Your Codice corso is SM23
    • HOMEWORK: light curve Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Codice corso is SM23
  • IRAF basics & data reduction +possible LONG HW with the reduction of a Spectrum no sl01 o sl02

    +other stuff in flashUSB  or here at the end (ONLY FOR STUDENTS OF THE COURSE)

  • Astronomical observations & co with Giulia Iafrate.
    For preparation of long term homeworks based on your data, too.
    • Light curve of Variable star (Non rispondere qui, ma solo risposta diretta a Dott.ssa Iafrate!!!!!!) Assignment
      Not available unless: Your Codice corso is SM23
    • Remote Radio Observations of Our Galaxy

      * read what we have made in Astrophysics of Gals (Kartunnen book or other) for 21cm observations in Our Galaxy


      *   for "Mapping the Milky Way" and the paper "Mapping the Spiral Structure of..." by T.R. Santo and S. A. Uddin, International Journal of Astronomy, 2013, 2(3):37

    • List of simple and interesting exercises:

      Cap. 2 of Karttunen: Examples: 2.3 Convergence of the hour circles to the celestial poles; 2.6; 2.7; 2.8 Exercises: 2.3

      Cap. 4: Examples: 4.2 Surface Brightness of the Sun; Magnitude of Binary Star; Distance modulus: 4.4; 4.5; 4.6; Reduction of observations (air mass) 4.8