Module calendar

Module calendar

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1 Nov 9 Introduction to the course module: Law and Literature

2 Nov 10 Introduction to the course module: Law and Literature

3 Nov 11 The Novel and the Law: Dickens, Collins, The BIldungsroman, 

4 Nov 16: Law and the Modernist novel: Jospeh Conrad's Lord Jim

5 Nov 17: Lord JIm: Textual analysis

6 Nov 18 Lord JIim: textual analysis

7 Nov 30: E.M.Forster's A Passage to India: textual analysis

8 Dec. 1: E.M.Forster's A Passage to India: textual analysis

9 Dec 2: I.McEwan' Atonement: textual analysis

10 Dec 9: Atonement, final discussion