During Wednesday lecture we will try to do an activity in small groups.
The idea of the activity is to look together at a refactored version of the class TennisGame1 from the Tennis Refactoring Kata assignment, and to answer some questions about it. Each group will work on the activity on its own for about 10 minutes, then each group will share its findings.
To do this activity we will use a Mural board and some Microsoft Teams channels for working in small groups. To speed up the group creation, add your name in one of the yellow post-its in one group area in the Mural board. Each group we'll have max 6 members. To start writing on a post-it just double-click on it.
The link to the refactored code is already present in the Mural board. You can have a look at it before the lecture if you want to.
Dario Campagna