1. I was born with Cerebral Palsy, a group of movement disorders, which has severely impacted all of my limbs, rendering me completely unable to stand. Consequently, I have been a wheelchair user ever since I grew out of my pushchair.
2. Stacey Slater suspected Ruby of telling lies, and therefore she forced her to take a pregnancy test.
1. After the report, I eventually found out through Facebook that this psychologist was friends with Camila, and that the person who went as a witness for my ex was the court psychologist’s best friend. They’ve since deleted their accounts.
2. As a Black woman, I've been discriminated against since birth
1. As a result, producers have been forced to warn celebrities to stay hyper-vigilant around the unwelcome guests as their blood-zapping could drain their limited energy levels.
2. Like jet lag, all it takes is one disturbance in a sleep schedule to create a domino effect of drowsiness.