Programme of the first lessons

1) Structure and rules of the course, rules for the exams, safety rules. Experimental program. Laboratory groups.Nanostructures, Confinement and quantum effects in nanostructures in semiconductors and metals. Effects of the number of dimensions. Quantum wells, nanocontacts

2) The basic approximations: Born-Oppeneimer,  mean field, effective mass. Band structures of semiconductors.

3) Donors and acceptors, quantum wells, Energy levels in quantum wells,  density of states.

4) interaction of e.m. waves with solids and quantum wells, optical absorption and photoluminescence of quantum wells,

5) the photoluminescence spectra of quantum wells, physical information from the spectra,

6) experimental set-up, laser, filters, cryostat, optics

7) monochromator, photodiode, photomultiplier tube, electron detectors, lock-in amplifier, its theory, how to chose the time consant and full scale.

8) calibration, measure of the resolution and of the transmission function of monochromator + photomultiplier, timetable of the lab practice. how to analyze the photoluminescence data

9) quantization of the conductance of 1-D conductors, how to measure it. How to test, characterize, calibrate the instruments (STM).  How to analyze the data.

Other lessons during the lab sessions

Ultime modifiche: martedì, 20 settembre 2016, 10:56