Section outline

  • Utilizzando il seguente link arrivate a un testo on-line che è open-source per la mineralogia ottica. Il testo scritto e realizzato da Matt Kohn, John Brady and Perkins Dexter, è rivolto a studenti, ma anche a altri ed è un valido aiuto per lo studio e il riconoscimento di  minerali in sezione sottile. 

    Il testo non riguarda la teoria della mineralogia ottica.

    Matt Kohn, John Brady, and Perkins Dexter have created a free open-source online optical mineralogy reference book. It is intended for students and others to aid them as they look at minerals in thin section. It is not an optical mineralogy text.

    You can find the book at

    The book includes descriptions of about 75 minerals. For each, we have emphasized what we see that lets us identify it.

    There are photos of 360 thin sections (PP/XP pairs). Most photos are ours, but we are very much indebted to those who let us borrow theirs – citations are in figure captions. The book also includes more than 50 video clips with voice descriptions.