Schema della sezione

    • Newspaper article about depleted uranium without punctuation, for practice.

    • Presented in class. The 'depleted uranium' Q&A article from the Guardian newspaper, to be punctuated for practice, appears in a separate word file. I've added some further notes about the use of hyphens. 

    • 1.The names of punctuation marks
      2.The various uses of hyphens (this is rather detailed)
      3.Example texts illustrating the meaningful use of punctuation marks
      4.When to use (initial) capitals and when NOT to use them*
      5.The limited use of scare quotes in English
      6.Practice in using punctuation: putting the punctuation back into an  unpunctuated newspaper article about depleted uranium.

      * There is more on the use of initial capitals in the homework review 1 above (see the description - west or West?)