Schema della sezione

  • Evidenziato

    List of the problems:

    1. Path integrals in Quantum mechanics
    2. Inverse propagator D^−1
    3. Quantum harmonic oscillator
    4. Forced harmonic oscillator
    5. Effective action and Green's functions
    6. Phase space Path Integral
    7. Full scalar propagator in terms of 1PI 2pt function
    8. Physical mass and 2pt function
    9. On-shell renormalization description
    10. λφ^3 theory in 6 dimensions
    11. Cutkosky cutting rules
    12. Superficial degree of divergence
    13. β function for λφ^4 theory
    14. γ matrices
    15. Grassmann numbers
    16. Propagator in the axial gauge
    17. Ward identities in QED
    18. Scalar QED
    19. Fermion-scalar interaction
    20. Renormalization of electron field and mass
    21. Non-abelian gauge theories
    22. Fermion two-point function in non-abelian gauge theories
    23. Anomalies and Ward Identities I
    24. Anomalies and Ward Identities II